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Clarke has her feet up on an empty chair in, what she calls the war room.

"So, when are we storming Mount Weather?" She looks to Finn and finds that he's already string at her. "Would you stop that?" She asks irritably.

"Bellamy?" He asks in disbelief for the tenth time. "Bellamy?"

"We have more important things to talk about than Clarke and Bellamy shacking up, Finn." Raven is almost as annoyed with Finn as Clarke is.

"We are not shacking up. But she's right. With Kane dead, mom in a coma and Jaha still MIA this falls to us."

The full weight of the realization that they've somehow ended up in this position of power rests heavily on her shoulders. Sure, there was technically someone else that had taken over the camp, but to be honest none of the kids trusted any of them. After all, they had sent them down here to die.

"Maybe we should wait for Abby to wake up," Finn offers.

"That could be never. Sorry, Clarke, but we all know it's a possibility and we can't just wait around for her to recover." Clarke knows that Raven's words don't come from a malicious place, but they still sting.

"I know," she whispers. "We need to end this as soon as possible. How many soldiers do we have that are capable of going to Mount Weather?" She looks expectantly at Raven, then to Finn.

"I brought back 200 men and women." No one noticed Bellamy walk in and lean against the wall. "No idea how many Grounders are left." An air of tension settles over the group.

"So, who goes?" Finn breaks the thick, awful silence.

"I will," Clarke stands, she's one of the few actually on decent terms with the Grounders.

"Mind if I tag along?" Bellamy is staring at her hard. "I have a sister to visit."

Clarke nods once. "I'll go get my stuff. Meet me by the gates in five minutes."

That is all the dismissal Bellamy needs and as soon as he is gone she can feel the heavy stares of her friends.

"Quit that."

The entire trip is agony and completely silent. Neither of them really wanting to speak to the other but the unspoken words rests heavily at the forefront of their minds. They're both more than relieved when Lincoln greets them at the entrance to the village.

"Clarke, Bellamy." He is with a group of Grounders Clarke doesn't recognize, of course it's always hard to tell who is who when they're all decked out in masks and furs. He speaks to them in words that Clarke doesn't understand and they walk past. "I'm glad you're here," he's speaking directly to Bellamy this time.


"Follow me." He doesn't wait for a response, just turns and walks swiftly across the village. He stops outside a hut and pulls back the furs covering the doorway, motioning Clarke and Bellamy inside.

Clarke's eyes widen at the sight in front of her and rushes forwards. "Baby!" She squeals, unable to contain it. "May I?" Octavia is smiling from ear to ear.

"Your hands," she motions to a bowl and Clarke hastily washes the dirt from her hands. As she hands the warm bundle over to Clarke, she looks to Bellamy. "We've named her Aurora." Her brother hasn't moved since he walked inside. "Well?"

Clarke moves close to Bellamy, tilting Aurora slightly up so he can get a good look.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Clarke's voice is filled with wonder and Bellamy doesn't miss the sparkle in her eyes. When he finally looks at the tiny baby, Aurora, he can't tear his eyes away. She even looks like her. Like their mother.

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