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Clarke pulls her now dry clothes back on and stumbles out of Bellamy's tent in search of more water. Instead, she finds a hysterical Octavia and Lincoln speaking to her in low calming tones.

"Octavia?" Clarke's stomach rolls with each step and her sinuses feel like they're going to explode. "Octavia, what's wrong?"

It takes Octavia a moment to fill her in between sobs.

"I'll find him," Clarke steps around her and calls for Andre, a guard currently on duty. "Andre! Where's Bellamy?" The guard points out the gate.

"Clarke, you can't leave. You look like hell."

"I'm fine. He couldn't have gone far, right?" Before leaving she gives Octavia a genuine smile. "Congratulations, by the way. I'd hug you, but... sick. You shouldn't be here with all these sick people. It isn't good for you or the baby."

By the time she catches up to Bellamy she is winded and dizzy. Night is falling quickly around them.

"Bellamy!" She gasps out. He turns to her, surprised.

"Clarke," his voice holds a note of condescension. "You should be in bed."

"And you should stop being such an ass." Deep breath. In and out. "Your sister is so excited and you just... tore her down." She leans over, placing her hands on her knees. Don't throw up, she repeats in her mind as a silent mantra. Don't throw up.

"Let's go back to camp." He grabs her by the shoulder and turns her around. She shakes him off weakly, but with forceful intent.

"I'm not going anywhere until you promise to apologize. She's having a baby. Lord knows we can use something to celebrate."

"She's only 19." He pushes on her shoulder again.

"She still wants your blessing. She wants you to be happy for her. Besides you can't do anything to stop it now. Would you please quit pushing me?!" She brushes his hand off again.

"I'm not going to pretend. If you won't walk, I'll carry you."

Clarke plants her feet and glares steadily at him. He shrugs before grabbing her around the waist and unceremoniously throwing her over his shoulder. Her stomach threatens mutiny and she puts a hand over her mouth. In the distance a horn is blown.

"Acid fog," Bellamy whispers more to himself than anything. Then, with Clarke bouncing against his shoulder, he takes off in a run away from the camp. She doesn't have a chance to ask him where they're going before he drops her into a bunker, slamming the door behind him. Clarke's world is spinning.

"The camp," deep breath. "Was closer."

"I made an executive decision." If Clarke felt better and less like dying she would've yelled at him for mocking her for the second time today. Right now, she's just focusing on catching her breath.

"More like you don't want to see Octavia. Because you know you're wrong." A fire lights in his dark eyes.

"Would you just drop it, Clarke?"

"No. I will not drop it. She's your sister. You're supposed to support her."

Bellamy ignores her and pulls down the blankets on one of the beds. "Goodnight, Clarke," he says dismissively.

She sighs, recognizing that tone of voice. The 'I'm done talking about this' voice.

Not surprisingly Clarke succumbs to sleep quickly. It isn't until what she can only guess as midnight, that she wakes up only seconds before getting violently ill all over the floor beside her cot. Bellamy, startled awake, and despite himself, is by her side in an instant. With one hand he pulls back her hair and with the other he gently rubs small circles into the space between her shoulder blades. Finally after she's done, she leans back against him.

"You're burning up, Clarke." After a brief pause he stands and moves to the door of the bunker. "We need to go back. The fog should be gone by now."

"It's dark, it's not safe. Mount Weather might be out there waiting for us."

"Aren't you the one that told me fevers are dangerous if left unchecked?"

"I'm fine. If I start hallucinating and saying crazy things, take me back to camp. Right now I just want to sleep." She lays back against the pillow on her cot and closes her eyes. Against his better judgment, deciding what the hell, Bellamy climbs into her cot, pulling her body flush against his and tucking her underneath his chin.

When he wakes up he is drenched. The blankets are drenched. He looks down at Clarke and finds that her face is no longer the color of a tomato. Instead her cheeks just have a slight rosy tint to them. He shakes her awake.

"Hey, your fever broke."She sits up slowly, stiffly. Sleeping on an uncomfortable cot all night did neither of them any favors.

"Good. Let's go home."

They make their way slowly, achingly slow, through the woods.

"I'm going to puke," she announces for the umpteenth time. Bellamy takes a seat against a tree as she runs to the bushes.

"You know," Bellamy says loudly, attempting to drown out the sounds coming from behind him. "I I carried you we'd be home a lot faster and you could hurl in the comfort and privacy of your own tent."

"Oh yeah," she says walking back towards him, white faced. "I forgot to tell you. Before you threw your little temper tantrum, I puked in your tent. On your bed." A lie of course but let him believe that until they get back to the camp.

"What?" Clarke has to conceal her amusement as she watches his face fall. "You're lying," he says with narrowed eyes.

"Nope. And I was so concerned about Octavia that I didn't clean it up. Speaking of, are we going to talk about Octavia?"

His face morphs into a mask of steely resolve. ""No. Now I'm not giving you the option." He moves towards her swiftly and easily lifts her off the ground.

"You need to talk to your sister."

"Clarke," he groans. "Drop it or I'll drop you."

"No you won't," she calls his bluff and pushes. "Just pretend to be happy for her. Besides in 5 months you'll be an uncle."

"That's really not swaying me at all."

"You will tell her congratulations, and mean it, or else I will make your life a living hell. Do you understand me, Bellamy Blake?" She's using her princess voice on him and her mouth is set in a hard line.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that right?"

"Yeah, you may have mentioned it once or twice before."

"You'd make a good mom," he says without thinking. "You know, because you're so bossy," he covers.

"Yeah, I don't think kids are for me. It's hard enough keeping ourselves alive. Let alone a baby. I think Octavia is crazy."

"See! You think its nuts too," he exclaims triumphantly.

"I do. But I love Octavia so I'm happy for her. Kids aren't for me, but the human race has to go on somehow right?" Bellamy sighs heavily, seeing her point. They walk in silence until they get back to the camp. It doesn't take long before they're back through the gates.

Bellay just so happens to catch Finn's eyes as he carries Clarke deliberately into his tent. He smirks feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at the frown etched deeply into Spacewalker's face.

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