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The Grounders are exiting the camp and a collective sigh of relief leaves everyone inside the walls. They had been here for hours, more than half the day and the leaders of Camp Jaha are exhausted.

After much debate and the Grounders trying to convince them that just flat out attacking them would suffice, Abby (who was being wheeled around the camp in a makeshift wheelchair until she is fully recovered) had told them it wasn't an option. The Skypeople are not willing to sacrifice their people in a foolish attempt. It would be a suicide mission, she had said.

Clarke mentioned the tunnel system that Mount Weather had set up to send Reapers out and eventually they decided to try their luck going through those.

Now, Clarke is bent over a piece of paper sketching out a rough map of the tunnel system.

"This would be so much easier with Lincoln. He knows the tunnels better than I do." Her eyebrows are knitted tightly together as she focuses.

"Maybe we should've asked Lexa to send him to us when she gets back." Bellamy stands over her shoulder, offering up any information he has about the tunnels, which isn't much.

"They haven't gone too far... maybe we can send out a few people to catch up to them?" She doesn't even look up from her paper.

"Yeah," Bellamy straightens and looks over at Raven flicking a piece of dirt off her pant leg. "I'll take some people. We should be back before nightfall."

"Thanks, Bell." She finally looks up and offers him a hesitant smile.

Again with the whiplash, he thinks to himself before leaving.


The air is crisp and clear as they make their way through the woods, they caught up quickly with Lexa and her group. Now they are heading back home.

"Hey, we should stop for a quick hunt. We're out here, might as well, right?" Someone from the back of the group suggests. They're right, the people of the camp deserve a nice meal and a mini celebration before they begin a war they may not win.

Finn, whom Bellamy brought along grudgingly, kneels down in the dirt searching for tracks. Bellamy can't help but roll his eyes every time Finn does this.

"There's a boar or two around here, these tracks are fresh." Finn stands, confident in his findings and then Bellamy takes over, moving through the woods in the direction Finn points him in.


"Open the gates!" Finn's voice rings out loudly and the gates are opened, between him and another guard from the Ark they carry Bellamy inside. He's conscious, but he's bleeding. Abby greets them and directs them to the med bay.

Clarke is inside counting inventory when they bring Bellamy in.

"Oh my god! What the hell happened out there?"

"Bellamy is an idiot," Finn answers simply, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hey. I'm right here." Bellamy flinches as they drop him onto the bed.

"Well that doesn't make it any less true. I told you not to go after the boars. More than once. There were too many of them." Finn crosses his arms as Abby washes her hands up.

"I got two didn't I?" Bellamy growls back.

"Yeah, and you almost got yourself gutted in the process."

"It's just a scratch!" With the force of his yell his stomach and side start bleeding harder.

"Alright, Finn, if you're just going to antagonize my patient then you need to leave." Abby looks over the wound quickly, cleans it out, disinfects it and then hands the reigns over to Clarke when another patient comes in with more pressing needs. Everyone is gone except the two of them.

"Remember what I told you about your perfect body not being perfect if you keep getting yourself cut up?" She jokes as she pushes a needle through his skin. He breathes in sharply and leans his head back. "Oh come on, after how many times you've had stitches you'd think you'd be a little more used to this." Bellamy notices the way her eyebrows stitch together the same way now as they did while she was drawing out the maps earlier.

"How'd the maps turn out?" He asks, trying to concentrate on anything other than the way that a strand of blonde hair has fallen down to brush against his chest.

"They're shaky to say the least. Once Lincoln gets here they'll be much better. You did catch up with them right? Before you tried to kill yourself?"

"I wasn't trying to kill myself, I could never do that. I mean, I'd never get the pleasure of you ripping a needle through my skin again. And yes, we did catch up with them. And yes, Lexa will send him." She smiles slightly and continues threading his tender skin with expert hands.

"I think this is the biggest wound I've ever stitched up, so if it gets a little funky at the end, please forgive me."

"Battle scars are sexy, though." She lets out a light laugh and he closes his eyes. "Aren't you done torturing me yet?"

"Not even close." Silence hangs heavily over them after that. When Clarke is finally finished, she puts a bandage over the wound with some of the antibacterial cream that they have stored in the med bay. She leans back in her seat to examine her work. "Much better than anything on the drop ship." She pauses and catches Bellamy's eye. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for torturing me? You should be." He stiffly pulls his shirt back over his head.

"No, I'm sorry for everything that I did; everything that I said to you. Raven said some stuff to me the other day and I just... I can't stop thinking about it." It's the truth, ever since Raven brought it to light, Clarke has been noticing the little things that Bellamy does for and around her. The way his eyes always seem to linger on hers for just a heartbeat longer than necessary, how he truly does look to her for council in all situations and the way he asks her opinions on any and all decisions he is making. Bellamy stares blankly at her even though he heard the conversation she is talking about. "It doesn't matter what about. Just... I'm really sorry, Bellamy." She looks him over, his unruly curls more of a mess than ever, dirt covering his face and his freckles beginning to show against his quickly tanning skin now that the sun is out more often. His dark eyes constantly searching hers, he's changed so much since they've landed, how could she possibly ignore that? How could she think this was the same boy that she had gotten into so many arguments with about how to run things?

They still argued, and would probably continue to argue as long as they both live because he's just so damn stubborn and thinks he's always right, but she doesn't feel as comfortable with anyone else in this camp, even her mother is a stranger to her now. But Bellamy, she's grown with him they've helped shape each other into the people that now sit in this room. Deep down, he is a good person, with a good heart and it's about damned time she started giving him the benefit of the doubt instead of just doubting everything he says. She needs to start trusting again.

"Don't worry about it, princess. I'm a big boy. I can handle rejection and one night stands. Now, wanna go eat the thing that tried to kill me?" He gives her a perfectly crooked smile and stands, offering her his hand. Taking it as a peace offering between the two of them, she stands and follows him out of the med bay hand in hand.

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