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"Would you quit being such a baby? If I didn't know better I'd say you were jealous." Bellamy scoffs, clenches his jaw. Clarke came in here to tell him something important, she's sure it was important, now she forgets as she lectures him about his bad attitude. "Would you look at me when I'm talking to you?"

"Would you stop treating me like a child being reprimanded for sticking his hand in the cookie jar?"

"Well maybe you should act your age instead of acting like a child then," she spits back.

"Maybe you should stop hanging around someone so unstable." Bellamy is looking at her now. She has her hands on her hips and scowls at him.

"Unstable? Really? Like you have room to talk about who is and who isn't unstable? Would you just drop the Finn thing already? Who I spend my time with is not your business."

"Fine!" He yells. "Go ahead! Go back to Spacewalker. Next time he fucks up and does something you don't like, don't you dare come crawling into my tent to help ease your mind."

"I'm not going back to anyone! But that is my decision! Not yours!" She can't believe how pissed she is at him. And to let on like more was happening than sleeping all those nights they spent together just made it worse. "You know what? I'm over this. I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Bellamy." She leaves quickly, not wanting to hear another word from him.

"Trouble in paradise?" She turns her scowl on Finn.

"Oh, shut up, Finn." She stomps passed him, right into a puddle. "Damnit," she mutters, much to Finn's amusement.

"Careful, princess, if you do that too much your face will stick."

"Shut. Up. Finn." She is so not in the mood for this. As she arrives at her tent, she remembers what she meant to tell Bellamy. Clarke is leaving tomorrow to try to get more back up from her mom's camp. At this rate, Clarke isn't even sure if she'll say goodbye.

Bellamy is still sore, very, very sore, when he gets out of bed in the morning. He groans softly, rolling off his mattress. When he leaves his tent the sun is already high above him. The sky is dark and the wind has a bite to it that makes his sore ribs ache with every breath.

"Miller!" He calls out to the guard on duty "How are things going?"

Miller shrugs one shoulder. "Quiet. Again. Ten just left about an hour ago."

"Wait, what? Who left? Why?" Bellamy pulls his jacket on as he speaks.

"They didn't tell you? Clarke took a group to her mom's camp. She wants more bodies to take against the Reapers. She didn't... tell you?"

"Me? Apparently she's not too fond of me at the moment."

"Really? The way you two have been attached lately everyone thought you were-" Bellamy's look stops Miller mid sentence.

"Thought we were what, Miller?"

"You know... sleeping together. No one thinks you like each other enough to actually be together. But some hate sex? You two are the talk of the camp."

"Hate sex? Clarke and I are not sleeping together." He narrows his eyes at Miller before breezing past.

"Mom," Clarke pleads. "We need more people."

"Clarke," Chancellor Griffin replies. "If Reapers are out there we need all of our man power here at camp. Bring the other kids here."

"Are you kidding? There are fifty of us. There's no way we'd be able to make it here undetected."

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