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The celebration is short lived and soon everyone is retiring to their respective tents. Clarke sits at the fire with her legs crossed, tossing twigs at the dying flames. Bellamy sits heavily beside her.

"Look," he says, leaning his shoulder into hers and pointing to the left and slightly behind them. "The power of moonshine." Clarke giggles when she recognizes Raven and Wick tangled in each other's arms; the alcohol finally allowing them to pursue their attraction for each other.

"You think Wick is as drunk as she is?" Bellamy shakes his head and turns back to the fire. No matter how warm the days are getting it always seems to drop below zero at night in this place.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" She asks him, shifting slightly closer to him.

"None, I've got a patrol in the morning. They have this weird policy about coming to work hung over." He smiles down at her softly and nods at her full glass. "I see you've been hitting it pretty hard though."

"Something about impending war just takes away the fun of getting black out drunk." She swirls the liquid in her cup before dumping it out into the grass. "Besides, it's really lost its novelty now that the adults don't care if we're drinking it. Try not to get injured on your patrol tomorrow, I'm running out of supplies because of you." She returns his smile, noting the way his hand lies at his side, just close enough to barely graze over the bare skin of her thigh. With him leaning against her, her mind goes foggy with his closeness and the scent of wood, and earth, and sweat. It was so familiar; it makes her feel like she's not in the middle of a war. It makes her feel safe, and comfortable. Like home, he smells like home, and for a moment, she lets herself get lost in it. They both let out a sigh at the same time and she turns her head to look at him square on.

"Bellamy, just so you know, about that whole 'one night stand' thing you said earlier—"

"Bell-ah-my!" Jasper plops down beside Clarke, squeezing his way in between her and Bellamy. His drink sloshes onto her shorts and she has to pull herself back from yelling at him. "So, big patrol tomorrow, yeah? Lucky you, because I heard you were going with Murphy and-" Sensing a very long, drawn out drunk conversation starting, Clarke excuses herself to her tent and suppresses a laugh at Bellamy's look of desperation.

Clarke is two seconds from banging her head on the table in the war room as her mom lectures her (for the tenth time... today) about Bellamy.

"You just have got to be more responsible, Clarke." Abby is pacing back and forth in front of her daughter in full on mom mode. "Are you at least using protection?"

"Okay! Mom, enough of this. I'm a big girl, and I don't really feel like having the talk with you right now. Not when we are supposed to be worrying about a war, okay? We obviously have more important things to worry about."

"A war will be the last thing on your mind if you get pregnant, young lady." Clarke groans into her hands and puts her head down on the table. "Fine. I'm just trying to look out for you. The others should be here any time to discuss our next move." Bellamy walks in just then as if summoned, finished with his morning patrol, followed by a few other soldiers and Raven. No Finn.

They go over the map for the hundredth time to make sure each person leading a group of soldiers has it memorized down to every speck of dirt. Abby splits up the teams, Major Byrne nods along with everything that Abby says; Byrne is leading the first group through the tunnels. Then Clarke, Bellamy, Finn and a few soldiers Clarke doesn't recognize.

"I am so tired of that room, not sure if you guys feel the same but I'd rather lose the use of both my legs than be a part of the council," Raven always hates being dragged to these things, but she tends to be a good voice of reason, especially since her and Wick can help make more (working) walkie talkies for the separate groups.

"So, Raven..." Bellamy smirks at her. "You and Wick, huh?" Raven blushes a deep shade of red that Clarke didn't think even existed on the color wheel at the question.

"I was drunk..."

"You know what they say," Clarke offers. "Drunken actions are sober thoughts."

"I... gotta go. Fix those radios, you know." She hurries off away from Bellamy and Clarke.

"Say hi to Wick for us!" Bellamy's words chase after her and then she disappears around the corner. "So, wanna go get something to eat?"

For a while, life seems almost normal. Bellamy teases her and she laughs lightly, brushing off his words easily and tossing back a few insults to him.

"You know," she says after swallowing a mouthful of whatever the green mush of the day is. "My mom gave me the talk today. All because of you." She shoves another spoonful into her mouth and Bellamy coughs, choking on his mouthful.

"What?" He manages around his sputtering. "Because of me?"

"Yeah, she keeps telling me something about using protection, pregnancy. You know, usual parenting stuff. So thank you for that."

"Hey, I believe it was 50/50. You were there too; you could've said no." He pokes her in the side and the action is once again so normal.

"Yeah, well it's no fun only getting 50% of the lectures. Next time I'm sending her to your tent and she can caution you against getting pregnant." He smiles and shakes his head at her.

"I'd hate to have to break the news to her." They both get distracted when Major Byrne walks into the mess hall and strides purposefully towards them.

"We leave in the morning. Get some rest." She is brief and to the point.

deposit their trays on the belt that pulls them into the back kitchen and exit the hall. "See you in the morning, Clarke." Bellamy starts off towards his tent when Clarke stops him.

"Do you mind if I join you? Just for a little bit. I don't want to go back to mom's tent and have to hear another lecture." His lips twitch slightly and he nods, leading the way. "I can sleep on the floor, if that makes you more comfortable."

"Don't be ridiculous." He waves his hand in dismissal and pushes back the flap of his tent and motions her in. "If you feel uncomfortable sleeping in my bed I can sleep on the ground. I did when Octavia was still in camp." She shakes her head and steps inside. "I have some clothes you can wear to bed if you don't want to wear... whatever that thing is." She looks down and realizes that she is still in her pseudo scrubs from helping her mom earlier this morning. She didn't have time to change before going to the war room and just spaced it afterwards.

"Okay, thanks." He hands her the clothing and stands there as she looks at him expectantly. When the silence stretches on, she twists her wrists, spinning her pointer finger in a circle, motioning for him to turn around.

"Oh please," Bellamy rolls his eyes but turns anyways. "It's nothing I haven't seen before." She balls her shirt up in her fists and throws it as hard as she can at his head. Being a shirt, it doesn't carry much force behind it and instead it makes contact with the back of his head and wraps around to his face. He laughs and folds the shirt neatly before putting it down in front of him. "Are you done? Are you decent?"

"Yes," he can hear her already climbing into his bed before he turns around.

"You know, if you're going to start this again," he motions to where she lays in his bed. "Which is totally fine by me, you're going to have to get over the shy thing." As if to drive his point home, he effortlessly pulls his shirt over his head and lets his pants drop to the floor, leaving him only in his underwear. He climbs in beside her and habitually wraps his arms around her stomach, pulling him flush against his chest. "Hope this isn't too forward." He breathes into her hair, she shakes her head slightly, not trusting herself to be able to keep her voice steady at the time. "Good, because I missed this."

He traces small circles on her abdomen, gently brushing his fingertips against her. His fingers on her skin are electric and she realizes how much she missed this as well.

That night, her dreams are filled with a blonde haired, dark eyed baby boy that stares up at her with Bellamy's freckles dotting his face.

The Original 100Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora