Outfits Are Key

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Chapter 17: Outfits Are Key

Hermione awoke approximately four hours later, it was hardly afternoon, curled up into Draco's side, and found herself to be slightly cold because of it. His body temperature was freezing, something he had not noticed from... this morning

She blushed a bit just thinking about it, but god it had been absolutely incredible. Moving her still naked body from his grasp, she went towards the private bathroom she had, and got into the shower.

Draco's silver eyes snapped open and his gaze followed her into the bathroom. Ever since he had become a vampire, he was a very light sleeper since he didn't actually need to sleep. Maybe once or twice in a month or two, but not daily.

He simply did it because it made him feel more alive despite knowing he was pretty much undead now. He frowned about that. How weird that he was pretty much a walking corpse when he never actually experienced death.

He was drawn out of his reverie when he heard the shower turn on. Perhaps he could slither in like a snake and join his lover. But, he shook his head lightly. No, he wanted her to be able to relax and enjoy her shower, so instead he walked out of the bedroom and into his own bathroom.

He turned on the shower and got in, sighing softly as he leaned his head against the wall of the shower, letting the water rain down on him.

Hermione, in turn, had taken a quick shower, still quite sleepy and stiff from the morning... activities.

Draco's heightened senses allowed him to hear the water turn off in the other bathroom, and then the light humming from the witch. She seemed to be humming a happy song of some sort, one he didn't recognize. Probably a muggle song she hadn't had him listen to.

He finished washing himself up and turned the water off. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a white towel before wrapping it around his waist.

He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it into a more stylized position like it usually was so it would dry that way. He had never tried for a less stuck up look, or let his hair fall into his eyes a bit more, not even during Halloween when it would've fit his vampire attire.

But now he was a vampire and, frowning, he looked at his reflection. He was happy to see that the fact vampires didn't appear in mirrors was simply a myth.

He placed his hands on the sink and gazed into the mirror, silver eyes flickering slightly, and he slowly raised up one hand and messed with his hair, smirking lightly at a thought that crossed his mind. Both his parents would hate to see his hair in such a messy state. They would've thought it horrendous.

Then again, they would've thought it horrible that he was dating a mudblood as well, and would've been frightened to hear about the fact he was a vampire and not only that he had been sucking the same exact mudblood's blood. What a disgrace to his family he was.

'What a rebel I've become,' he mused, 'My father would be ashamed.' he smirked then, chuckling softly. No, his dear old dad had absolutely not heard anything about this. Not even a single word, and Draco was proud of himself for not even telling his parents that he was a vampire.

He was slowly but surely separating himself from their ways. Besides, they were both in Azkaban, not that he really cared anymore. They deserved to be there. Deserved to be far away from him for what they did. What they forced him to do. Perhaps he grieved slightly for his mother, who at times was in the same situation as he.

Under his father's absolute control. Draco sighed lightly, about to turn away from the mirror when something caught his eye. He gripped the sink as he leaned in and looked a bit closer at himself. Dark circles were slowly appearing around his eyes, looking almost eyeliner like but darker underneath, more like eyeshadow despite not being on his upper lid, and instead on the lower one, around the bone underneath his eye.

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