[S2] Chapter 10: "Operation Skyscraper." [Choice Warning]

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Cooper: "First of all, image above not mine, didn't had a better operation name sorry, now, Hello guys, chapter 10 of Seasson 2 right here and I'm gonna say it's gonna be soo fucking large to read, hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to comment any error, yeah I know this is getting a bit old to say but I hope you enjoy the chapter but also don't rush, read at your pace but not at a fast one, ok ok let's go to the chapter."


[8:55 PM]

[Location: Tokyo, Japan]

Logan's POV

I was walking next to Hope through the streets of Tokyo that were quite crowded, of course I had on a hooded diver, gloves with fingers, the same mask as before and a good attitude, well almost a good attitude, because we have to Go unnoticed due to the patrols we went through previously, the crowd helped a lot. Hope had a different shirt with a Japanese title since the previous one had a large patch of the American flag, same jeans as always along with a jacket. Unfortunately the shooting Sarah mentioned earlier stopped before we left the building.

Hope: "Did you have fun back in the base?" -She asked without looking at me, we both kept walking keeping our eyes on the front-

Logan: "..Jeez I knew you would say something like that, Hope she just..asked me for a massage, that's all." -Hope raised an eyebrow looking at me askance-

Hope: "I knew-! wait what? A massage? Just..that? You're not lying to me are you Corporal?"

Logan: "No lieutenant I'm not lying to you, nothing else happened, you have my word." -Hope nodded-

Hope: "I see, I'll take your word then."

The two of us walked the endless streets of tokyo with endless people wandering through them, we kept a low profile when a patrol approached, we even hid in crowds or inside a business.

Logan: "Are you German?" -I asked straight to the point, she opened her eyes wide but we kept walking trying not to catch any attention from nearby patrols and snitchers-

Hope: "Who told you that?"

Logan: "Williams." -She cursed under her breath-

Hope: "Diese verdammte Frau...look I just, I..don't want to talk about that right now, not the best type of conversation to start with."

Logan: "If it makes you feel better I don't have any problem with Germany, I can't say the same about my grandparents back in their days.." -Hope raised an eyebrow looking at me askance-

Hope: "Why?"

Logan: "Uh my grandfather was in WWII fighting against the Nazi forces as an American soldier, there he met my grandmother who...was a Nazi..yeah, I was surprised too."

Hope: "Wow..that's pretty crazy isn't it?"

Logan: "Yes, my grandfather really loved her and she didn't have any problem with doing the same thing, I still didn't learn much German from my grandmother." -Hope chuckled-

Hope: "Maybe we will recreate their history.." -She said just like that without realizing what she just said although it did not surprise me much-

Logan: "Get a hold of yourself, Lieutenant." -She opened her eyes realizing what she just said-

Hope: "I didn't mean-" -She tried to explain-

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