[S3] Chapter 7: "Embedded In The Dark Past."

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Cooper: "Guys I don't want to sound dramatic or hurt, but I am a little hurt, not physically but emotionally, as you can see I updated a "chapter" so to speak of my birthday, celebrating with my family and friends, I also received quite kind comments wishing me a happy birthday, but what I did not expect to find was this."

(Photo was removed by the asshole who posted it, yeah me and I'm not proud of it)

Cooper: "I wish I hadn't read this in the middle of my birthday, but first of all I don't want you to go and bother this user or harass him or send him offensive messages or any of that stuff, I'm not that kind of person. I received many comments desperately asking for new chapters in a regular day which always made me laugh or at least put a smile on my face knowing that they like my content, but this one feels like "I don't care just update it it's not that hard" if only it had been a "Happy birthday my friend! By the way, when is the next chapter going to be? Not trying to rush you or anything just wondering!" or something like that I would have taken it better, but to be asking or demanding a new chapter, in the middle of my birthday, like that, although it seems little I know, that was painful in the moment. I don't want to sound hostile, I'm also not trying to insult or turn everyone against that user (something my best friend's friend has been trying to do ever since he met me) I just want to say don't do this, it's not cool. Now setting the drama aside, enjoy the chapter friends, let me know if there is an error that I did not see, since I was revising a bit before posting, surely I forgot an error to correct."

Cooper: "By the way this chapter is way longer than the others, sit tight, get something to drink or eat and take your time, don't rush."


[Location: The Retribution's HQ, Hangar]

[9:30 PM]

Hope's POV

I was there sitting on the bench inside what seemed to be a small room surrounded by bars, the hangar that I was in, had 2 floors with rooms surrounded by bars like the part I mentioned before, where each one had the name of a specific Operator whose interiors had their own belongings, weapons, equipment, souvenirs, as many stuff as you want. Of course you could see the interiors from the outside, but you couldn't touch anything because the door had a code and its operator was supposed to be the only one who should know it.

(Something like this, btw sorry I have no idea how these rooms are called, credits to the owner image not mine, from Rainbow 6 Siege "The Hammer and The Scalpel.")


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