[S3] Chapter 3: "What's Yours, It's Mine."

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Cooper: "Who else feeling tired today? Just me? Welp..zzz."

P.D: "I almost publish the chapter without a title.."


Logan's POV

I walked with Annabell or Captain Cooper whatever you want to call her to the living room where we met everyone, surprisingly the living room was big enough to fit all of us, from time to time someone would go from there to there wandering around the living room, carrying things or just walking to kill time. As soon as I got to Ann's side, most eyes fell on me and Ann. Just to go back to their tasks after a few seconds, everyone using casual clothes.

In the living room Eva and Zoe were talking near the glass doors that led to another balcony I had there.

Lidy, Royce and Meg in the kitchen cooking and preparing delicious food to leave some of it in some dishes for everyone.

Yuri was simply leaning her back against the wall holding and drinking a bottle of vodka with one hand like it was nothing.

Sarah, Avery and Hope were moving sofas and a few chairs making them look directly at the TV on the wall, Sarah didn't seem to have any problem although I can't say the same for Hope and Avery who weren't super soldiers, I don't know how I got this but the TV was 219 inches, I have no idea where they got this baby for me.

Connor was standing in front of the TV using the remote control setting the TV options, not alot to say, sorry Connor.

Jessica just arrived to the party and stood there staring at the people doing their tasks until Sarah called her to which she responded by walking towards Sarah.

Locke was smoking on the balcony accompanied by Adele who was also smoking, Locke standing with his arms crossed and Adele leaning forward with her forearms resting on the railing allowing me to get a good view of her butt, even though she was wearing an office skirt, her butt was still noticeable through her skirt.

I felt a quick and strong hit to the back of my head making me wince.

Ann: "What are you looking at dumbass?" -She scolded me after hitting me-

Logan: "Come on, can you fucking s-" -I turned to her annoyed at her attitude-

Connor: "Hey Logan! Good to see you friend!" -He interrupted me walking towards me-

Ann turned and walked away to somewhere in the living room but away from me, while she did this Connor watched her leave still happy and when she left, he changed his attitude.

Logan: "What are you doing?"

Connor: "Saving your life from a psychopath who is capable of cutting you into small pieces and putting you in a blender turned on, what are you doing trying to raise your voice before her? Have any idea of what that woman can do? Or what she did?"

Logan: "Yes Connor, I've seen it myself back in this same place before it was ours, and the plane, and Moscow, and the UK prison, and-"

Connor: "Okay okay I get it, just stay away from her.""

Logan: "Oh..it looks like the little dog is in love with the Captain." -I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow-

Connor: "Pfffft! What? No! What makes you think I like that 'nam veteran psycho?"

Ann: "I can still hear you stupid dog!" -She said across the living room scaring Connor who shook his head after a few seconds looking me back-

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