Chapter 1

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Katherine's POV

I hate a lot of things and despise a few things. You wanna know what makes me mad? Cold chocolate makes me mad. When I break a nail and it completely ruins my manicure, it makes me mad. People chewing with their mouth open, producing all sorts of mouth noises makes me furious. When I become so sweaty that my clothes stick to me, that just pisses me off.

I'm not too sure when my life became quite sad. Sad enough that I am currently staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror because I am positive that I caught a glimpse of it moving when I wasn't. 

I spread my legs further apart and lean my palms against the marble counter, allowing myself to have a secure stance whilst I interrogate my reflection with my death stare.

I got bored all of two minutes ago and decided to list things that make me mad. Just thinking about those things make me cringe. Nails on a chalk board, definitely adding that to the list. I shudder as I think about the sickening sound of scratching against a chalk board. I scrunch my face as I force the horrifying sound out of my thoughts and continue staring into the mirror. 

The colour yellow will be added to that list. Actually there are some shades of yellow that are pretty, like the colour of sunflowers. I mean that icky mustardy colour. I don't like it. 

I lean more of my body weight into my hands and squint my eyes at the mirror, all was going well until a sharp increase of pain flooded to the bottom of my right foot. I clutch my shin and lower myself onto the toilet seat. Cramp. Shit. I soothingly squeeze and rub at my foot until the pain dies down. I slowly add more weight onto it until I'm standing tall again. Stupid foot, I almost caught it.

I look back at the mirror and pull a stupid face as well as sticking my tongue out. I roll my eyes at myself and duck under to open the cabinet, so that I can grab my toothbrush. I squeeze a load of toothpaste onto it and dip it under the tap quickly before shoving it into my mouth. I scrub at my teeth, brushing away that stinky morning breath and catch sight of the door opening.

I spit into the sink and continue cleaning my teeth as I watch the bathroom door creak open, only no one enters it. I step back and look down to a fluffy white cloud. Tilly.

I quickly finish up brushing my teeth and reach down to pick up my fluffy baby and smother her with tons of kisses, "Where have you been?" I speak as if she's gonna answer me.

A whole lot of Tilly kisses later, I walk me and her back to my room, gently plopping her onto my bed where she curls up into a small ball. 

I change into the outfit that's laid across my bed, a pine green hoodie with the words "Better an oops than a what if." Cringe, I know. It's funny how I can't relate to those words because in my case a "what if" is needed. Actually a few "what ifs" are needed. I pull the hoodie over my head and pull on some black gym leggings, topping the entire outfit off with some crusty, too-many-year-old vans. I'm a fashionista, I know.

I walk back to the bathroom and inspect my gigantic rat's nest of orange wires and grab a brush. It's more red than orange actually, I have a kind of dark auburn colour mixed with bright orange tints for hair. Oh and it's curly. Not a good mix, I know.

I look at the brush and back at the mirror, at the brush again and back at the mirror and decide I'm not even gonna try to tame this explosion of hair today. I finger comb through it but too many groans appear as well as a clump of a auburn hair forms in my hand, adding that to my hatred list. You wanna know what else I hate? Bad hair days.

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