Chapter 10

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Diego dropped off Klaus at a building and kicked me out with him. "Why are we here?" I asked, eyeing down the decal on the glass door; 'Veterans of Foreign Wars.' "To see an old friend," Klaus said. He walked into the building. There were about a dozen older men; smoking, drinking, & talking. Klaus couldn't be bothered. I stopped paying attention. The building was dimly lit, with all sorts of badges, photos, and other Vietnam-era memorabilia. I don't get it. From what I know, war is the most traumatic time of peoples lives. Watching friends get blasted apart, killing foreign soldiers senselessly, under the fear and adrenaline you might die next. I can't understand why someone would hang out here. A place filled with other torn soldiers, the traumatic events being glorified on the wall. I get being proud that you fought hard for your country, whether by choice or by draft, but I wouldn't want to be reminded of battle ever again. I focus my attention on Diego entering the place, sneaking up on Klaus, who was crying at the wall. They were talking, but it was so quiet I couldn't make out what they had to say. I definitely heard a large man in a leather vest say "Hey guys, this bar is for vets only." Klaus raised his voice "I am a vet." "Really?" the man and I said simultaneously. He was a larger man, with a grey-white beard and a leather vest. Diego tried apologizing for Klaus, who was probably high out of his mind. Klaus followed that up with a sarcastic remark, and let's just say a few discoordinated punches were thrown, and I had enough mind to leave. 

I was in the backseat, listening to Diego and Klaus argue about his drug habit. Klaus kept going on about losing someone. Didn't know he was into older guys, let alone vets. After they 'talked things out' Diego started going on about losing someone, this detective Patch chick. At this point, we started driving. "Where the fuck are we going this time?" I asked. "We're going for revenge."

When we arrived, the place gave me shivers up my spine. "Nope. Not doing this." I said. "Why not?" Diego asked. "I don't know, maybe because I was held here and tortured for days straight?" "At least you got to leave with your life," Diego said before exiting the car. "What the hell is he talking about," I said, turning to Klaus. "Patch was the lady that saved us, he was Diego's little girlfriend," Klaus said. "She died?!" "Yep," Klaus said, opening the car door, the sound of bottles rolling out with him. I just laid low in the backseat. After a few minutes, I heard tires screeching and gunshots. After what felt like an eternity, Klaus & Diego got back in the car. "Fuck, the tires got popped," Diego said, bleeding. "What the fuck happened to you?" "I got shanked by a leprechaun; are you fucking deaf?" he said, sarcastically.  "Alright. Better idea, get out the car." Klaus said. He busted the window to the ice cream truck parked in front of us and hijacked the keys. 

We'd been tailing the car that the kidnappers had driven off in. We found them stopped in a middle-of-nowhere field, with another parked car. "Is that Luther and Five?" Klaus said. My head perked up. Five? There were sudden gunshots at the car. I blanked out, it was as if time froze. The ice cream truck smashed into something. We all ran into the car Five came in. I was pushed to the floor of the backseat. "What the hell are you three doing here?" FIve said. "Tailing those fucks." Diego said. "He's having his big revenge plot to avenge a dead lover right now," I said. "Y/N, are you ok? why would you guys put her in danger?!" Five death stared his brothers. "She stayed in the car, unlike somebody." "Hey if I wasn't there you'd be dead!" Klaus & Diego started loudly fighting. "WILL YOU GUYS JUST STOP!" Luther said, raising his voice. "Woah big guy." Five said. "I'm sorry I just- Is everyone okay?" Luther said. "I'm fine," I said. "You sure? You just got shot at." FIve said. "Twice." Klaus corrected. "I mean, all things considered, yeah. I've been shot at a lot recently, so you kinda get used to it." as I was explaining how normal it became to get shot at, I was talking with my hands, as usual, when Five grabbed one of them, almost instinctively, but with such care. It made me blush wildly. I needed this, I was on the verge of a panic attack most of the day, and I honestly just needed a nap.


This was a long one! I posted something on my convo wall a little bit ago talking about maybe doing a Q+A. You can go ahead and leave some questions here, they can be about me, or the story so far, maybe some requests, anything really! anyways, enjoy!

word count:845

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