Chapter 11: Apocalypse: coming soon!

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WARNING: spoilers of the Novel 'They Both Die At The End' Spoilers will be in BOLD!

Warning: su!cide mention, will be in BOLD & Italic

We had gotten home, Five not letting go of my hand most of the drive. When we got back to the academy, he took me upstairs to my room- well his room; you get the point. "How've you been?" he asked me, sitting on the reading chair I put by my bed. "Fine." he stared at me with a furrowed brow. I took a minute, breathed. I studied his face. So symmetrical, so angular. "You don't need to stare, if you want my autograph, just ask." I threw my head back and laughed. "I keep forgetting you're famous." I locked eyes with him. They were so beautiful, like ice sculptures. He put his hands on the sides of my face, causing butterflies to flood my system. "I want to kiss you." 

"Do it."

His lips were warm, soft. Everything felt okay. He pulled away and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "It's gonna be alright." everything was welling up inside me, and I started tearing up. I stood up, sniffled, and wiped the tears on my sleeve. "We need to get back to work, apocalypse won't stop itself." "Actually, it should." I looked at him, extremely puzzled. "Don't worry about it honeybee," he said, walking away. "Honeybee?! and where the fuck are you going?!" I said. "Tying up loose ends!" he yelled, jumping out the window. "Tie up my loose ends," I muttered. "Maybe later!" he shouted from the street.

I finessed my way down the stairs as usual. I stopped and listened to what someone was saying in the main room.

The Hargreaves, besides Five & Vanya, was sitting in the main room with coffee and a handful of sombre expressions.  "The worlds ending in three days." Luther began. "He mentioned something like that," Klaus interjected, sounding more exhausted than a labourer, "Just never told me it was gonna be so soon." Three days. Three. Days. How could he not have told me? No 'Heads up y/n if no one fixes it we're all doomed in three days.' "We all die," Luther says, interrupting my spiral. "Is it just us?" Allison replied with overwhelming concern. "It's everybody." Suddenly, glowing blue light and a crash signified the entrance of Five. Cue my entrance. "Where the fuck have you been?" we all said, simultaneously. "Harold Jenkins. That's who we need to kill," he said with eerie certainty. "who?" Allison said. "No clue." Five replied, straightening himself up and adjusting his tie. It turned into family fighting, with the conclusion to go to the station. 

"I'll just blink in there and get the file." "no, I know this place." "Because you've been in handcuffs a lot." "Will you two kindly fuck the shut up?" I said from the backseat. "I've got a guy," Diego said, leaving the car. We all got out, and Allison got to a payphone. She looked, regretful to say the least. "Hey, Vanya-" she went on, and I looked at Five. He, without looking, took hold of my hand & caressed my palm with his thumb. What a simple action, but it wracked down my anxiety so much. He really does love me, doesn't he? Diego made his way back with a folder & handed it to Allison. "Leonard Peabody is Harold Jenkins." "Oh, shitttt....who's Leonard?" "Vanya's boyfriend, or whatever they are." She sounded distressed. "Oh, that scraggly guy?" I said, as Five opened the car door for me. 

There it was, Harold's house. Janky two-story in the suburbs. Diego had the honour of smashing the window. "That's one way to do it," Allison remarked. We walked into the dark, gloomy house. On a shelf were some cheap Umbrella Academy action figures, but with the faces melted. "I can't tell if this is an 'art' thing, or a deeply rooted 'I want to murder these people' thing," I said. "I'm guessing the latter." Five remarked. Soon after, he collapsed. "Five?!" I half-yelled, falling to my knees to help him. We realized he was bleeding, some kind of weapon wound. "What the hell Five," I said in a concerned, yet caring tone. "We need to get home," Allison said. We lifted Five and rushed him out of that house. 

We positioned him so he was laying in the backseat, head on my lap. I was holding the blood inside his body with some fast food napkins. "You idiot." I scorned quietly, running my hands through his hair. He was vaguely in and out of consciousness. 

We finally made it home and did makeshift surgery on one of the couches. I couldn't watch, so I went into the kitchen and made coffee, decaf of course. I couldn't have five staying up all night after fainting and getting shrapnel pulled out of him. I stared down at the coffee cup and kept stirring. I guess I zoned out because I heard Five call for me from the couch. "Coming," I said, bringing the mug with me. I kneeled down in front of him and stroked his cheek. "How are you recovering?" I said. "hurts like shit, but I'll be alright." I set the coffee on the side table. "I think this is the best I've been treated." "How so?" most of the time, I'd stitch my own wounds, even when Grace used to help me, it wasn't human. I'm actually being cared for." That hurt me, to see that in all his years, this was the only time he felt cared for. "Well I'm here, and you're going to be okay," I said. He sat up to drink his coffee and patted the spot next to him. I spotted something sticking out from under the couch. It was my book. I picked it up and admired it, turning its slightly worn cover in my hands. They Both Die At The End. "Huh. Totally forgot I was reading this ." "What's it about?" "This is my second time reading this, It's about a pair of people who find out they're gonna die and fall in love." "Kind of like us," Five said, smiling. "Was the ending tragic?" "yes. But we know that from the beginning, and it kind of eats away at you while you read it. Now I truly understand, how it feels to know when you die. You can see your fragile mortality in front of you." "Do you want to read it? together?" he asked. "Yes, but fair warning, I cry every time." We got settled with a blanket, his head on my shoulder as I read out loud, and we eventually slept that way. Warm, unaware, healing.

I woke up to a bell ringing upstairs. I kissed Five on the forehead and went to investigate. There was Luther and Klaus in the hallway. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but Luther looked worried and Klaus seemed like he couldn't care. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked, sleepily. "Hey y/n. Where's Romeo?" "He's sleeping." "Welp, we need to be downstairs for important family business."

By the time I got downstairs, Five was awake, and we congregated in the dining room. Klaus made okay coffee. "I conjured dad last night," Klaus announced. "You got sober?" I asked. "Yes indeed. He nagged me, but he did mention something about his murder or lack there of- He killed himself." "of course he did. Why though?" Five said, sipping his coffee. "Wait what? Five how are we brushing this off?" Luther interjected "The bastard was crazy. He adopted a bunch of super-kids, sent one to the moon, had a robot wife and a sentient monkey." "I have to agree with him. But he did it to bring us together, to stop the apocalypse." Klaus said. "of course he did." Five sighed "Guess he was right."

Authors note:

Sorry for such a long hiatus! also, I have plans to do a second Five fanfic, but with a different storyline.....whats y'alls opinion? as always, I hoped you enjoyed it and I have more coming soon! :)

word count:1360

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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