Chapter 6-The sewing room

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We kept driving home, sitting in silence. "So, why the bulletproof windows?" I asked quietly. "The old man was kind of paranoid, didn't want anything to happen to him." I kept looking at him. He always looks so serious when he drives. It's kind of cute. Am I allowed to even think that? Of course I am. We just went on a 'date' and no one can read minds. Can they? With these siblings, I wouldn't doubt it. I don't know why I won't let myself think he's cute, or hot, or anything. "What you thinking about?" I hear from the front seat. I could see him looking at me through the rear view mirror. By that time, my own gaze had moved to the window. "Not really." I muttered. "You're nervous. You're fiddling with the hair tie on your wrist and biting the inside of your cheek." He said. I looked down and became aware of my finger hooked around the black hair tie. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'll make sure nobody will hurt you." He said, in a quieter, almost soothing tone. "That's not what I'm nervous about." I said, almost choking on my words. "Then what is it?"Five spoke. "You. Just your always going out, getting hurt. And I- I-" I was trying desperately to not cry. "Hey, hey, hey. I've been living through the apocalypse for 40 years, and traveled through time so many times I couldn't count. I'm gonna be okay." He stated in a concerned voice of his own. "I believe you." I didn't. It could take one false turn. One bullet. One person. Then the love of my life would be dead. I straightened out my back and tried to breathe steadily. I know he'd pry more and I don't want him to worry. The car got parked, and we step out. I start walking when I feel a hand touch the small of my back, making me jump a little. "Did I scare you?" I heard Five chuckle from behind me. "No." I said stubbornly, walking faster. Then he Snaked his hand around my waist. "It's okay, you scare me plenty." He said, giggling a little. I don't think he realized the fact that he had a hand on my waist was making me so flustered. He opened the door for us and I walked in. "I-I'm gonna go get changed." I muttered, running up the stairs, dashing into my room and locking the door. I slipped off my dress and threw on a large [your fav tv show] shirt and a pair of black pajama shorts.

As soon as I opened the door, Five grabbed my hand and we teleported somewhere in the house. "The- what? Where?" Was all I could muster. "It's a old sewing room." Five said. It was a cute room. A small couch, a table with a little sewing machine, a shelf filled with strings, fabrics, & other tools,and a window with a dead plant. Everything was coated in a thick layer of dust. He guided me towards the couch. "I know you're scared. I don't know exactly why, and I won't ask, but know I'm here for you." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Pffffffft." I said, losing all of my energy to hold my feelings back, as I flopped down so that my head was in his lap. I stared up at him. "Honestly I don't even know what I'm feeling. Except, in this house, with you, I feel alright." I said. He instinctively put his hand on the back of my head. We started talking, and his hand moved to the top of my head, and he petted me like a cat almost. I swatted at him. "Could you not treat me like a house cat?" I said stubbornly, sitting up. He took this opportunity to turn me slightly and embraced me in a hug from behind. In surprise, I made a short quiet squeak. "You certainly sound like a cat sometimes." Five remarked, making me giggle. My eyelids started growing heavy. I guess Five realized, because he shifted us so we were laying on the couch. Before I knew it, I had fallen fast asleep in Five's arms.

Authors note ~
Sorry I haven't updated since forever, quarantines been rough and I have the memory of a chihuahua. Uhhh y'know vote if you enjoy, and I wouldn't mind some comments that can make me pee someone else's pants. Go to bed

Word count:750

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