Chapter 7- The insomniacs cold sleep

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Authors Note:
Before we get started today, I'll let you know I'm tired & just had 30 chicken nuggets, so there will be plenty of spelling errors! Please correct me if you see any. Takk!

I woke up and yawned. The moon shone subtly through the window. I looked around, slightly confused. It was dark, and my heart was pounding like a bass drum. I knew I was dreaming, and I know it was something scary, but what? I was having a hard time trying to think of what it was. I was cold, my oversized shirt and shorts weren't sufficient. I looked over, and their was Five, sleeping peacefully. I laid back down on his lap and just stared at the ceiling. I could see the tip of his nose out of the corner of my eye. I stared for awhile. I was alone. Yes Five was right here, but he wasn't aware of me, or that I was cold, just me fending for myself up in this small room. After awhile I shifted over and tried to close my eyes. But I couldn't. I just felt so on edge, y'know? The chill air of the night, the eerie quietness in the room. Suddenly I couldn't take it, and I stood up. I opened the door and left the sewing room. I walked down a few confusing hallways, about 3 sets of stairs, then I was back in my hallway. I was tired, but too anxious to sleep, so I decided to make some food. I traveled down into the kitchen and started making the ever classic calorie-dense banana marshmallow pb sandwich. I picked up my book from the coffee table in the living room, then laid across the kitchen table and ate it while reading. Soon enough, a Klaus came stumbling in. "Heyyyy [y/n] how have you been?" He said, taking a seat at the table. "Tired and hungry." I said groaning. "Sooo what'd I miss? Have you and Five hooked up all ready?" He asked. He might have been serious, I couldn't tell. "No, give me a little credit. I've got some class." I said, finishing my snack. "Sureeeee. What are you reading?" Klaus said, peering at my book. "Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book." I said, shutting it. "HAHAHAHA. Gayman." Klaus chuckled. "You've got no room to talk. I've seen your diary." I said smugly. Klaus looked over in concern. "Where'd the hell you find it?" He said. "The top beam in the attic. Clever, but I can climb high." I said, smiling. "Good to know." Klaus said. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked. "Nope, just floating through the cosmos." Klaus claimed while making a hand motion and staring towards the sky. "How poetic." I claimed sarcastically. "Anyways, I'm tired." I said, getting off of the table and walking away. I went back to my own bed. Cold & tired, I harshly fell asleep.

Authors note:
This has been saved as a draft for a little while, sorry guys I'm horrible at posting things. Also Season 2 just came out and AHHHHHH. At a certain point this story will go into season 2, so go ahead and watch it on Netflix so it won't spoil anything!
Love y'all.

word count:541

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