Chapter 2: Five Hargreeves

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I was situated in the kitchen with the others, as Five explained what was happening. "Who are you?" He asked. "[y/n]. I came here a year ago after an incident." I said. "Well then." He brushed it off. He looked around the kitchen as I handed him the peanut butter. "How did you know what I was looking f-" I cut him off. " your favorite is marshmallow and peanut butter. I would expect after the whole 'time travel' deal you would be hungry. Pogo has told me everything about all of you." I said. He looked at me a little confused. "Okay then." He said, turning back towards the sandwich. "Surprised there are still marshmallows after all these years." Klaus said. "Thank me for that. Peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches have to be my favorite too." I said. The conversation carried on, most of the Hargreeves not understanding half of what Five said. I was sitting on the kitchen counter when Five handed me the other half of his sandwich. "What do you want me to do with this?" I asked. "You said you liked marshmallow and peanut butter, and apparently I wasn't as hungry as I thought I was." He said. I shrugged my shoulders and finished the other half. He walked upstairs, and I heard "What the hell?!" "Shit" I muttered and ran upstairs. I can guess his surprise. His simple childhood room had been decorated with a black bedspread, [f/c] pillows, & [f/c] curtains. The only thing that didn't really change was the bookshelf, and a few of his uniforms were still on the closet, mostly hidden behind my attire. I started out with a few of Allison's old uniforms, then Grace and I finally went clothes shopping. "Oh yeah.... Pogo's been letting me stay here for awhile. If you want I'll move into another room." I said. "Don't worry. I won't be staying here long." He said. He looked through the closet. "I'm surprised some of my uniforms are still here." He said. "Sorry. It just didn't feel right getting rid of them. I really didn't feel right staying here for awhile. It's like someone else was still living in here." I confessed.

Five was going through the kitchen again, this time looking for coffee. "Not a single cup of coffee." He said. I was busy laying on the kitchen table, reading. "Hey [y/n]" he said, tipping down the book so he could see my face. I'm going up to Griddy's to get coffee. Wanna come with me?" He asked. "You want to hang out with me?" "Well you seem to be the smartest one here, and it would be nice to hang out with someone my age." "Ok." I agreed. I set my book down and rolled off the table. "Ow." I said, falling off. Five extended a hand to help me up. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." We started walking. "Uh, Five?" I asked. "Yeah." He said, looking down at me. "How are we supposed to get there?" "Oh, I'm driving of course." He remarked nonchalantly. "You sure?" My eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sure." He said

Five really isn't such a bad driver. We came up to the counter, and sat next to a burly trucker. An older woman came up to us. "What would you like?" She asked the man. "Chocolate eclair." He muttered. "And can I get the kids something? Glass of milk, or..?" Five cut her off.  "The kid wants coffee. Black." I chimed in "hot cocoa, extra whipped cream, and marshmallows."
"Cute kids." She said, walking off. I turned to five. "Jeez, extra whipped cream?" He asked. "What! I like sugar." I retorted. "I remember going here as a kid. Me and my sisters & brothers would sneak out and eat doughnuts until we puked." He said. "Don't remember it being such a shithole." Then he started talking to the truck driver about some address. I kept drinking my cocoa. I stopped and stared into space "[y/n]" I wasn't paying attention. "[Y/N]" five shook me. I looked at him. "You got some whipped cream on your nose." He said. "Oh sorry. I was just off in space." I said grabbing some napkins. The trucker had left, and Five was staring at the bell on the counter. "Shit." He muttered. "Huh?" I asked "grab my hand." He said. "What?" I asked. Just then I took his hand. We teleported to behind the counter. "Stay here. Don't make a sound. I'll come get you." He said. I nodded. He jumped back. All I  heard was gunshots and screaming. Tears started falling. I covered my mouth so I would keep quiet, but I'm sure no one would have heard me anyways. Glass shattered. A shard sliced my hand. I kind of whimpered and held the cut. At some point, the noise stopped. Then five hopped to the counter, and saw me. Crying, my hand bleeding, and I was shaking. His expression softened from a stoic, seriousness to a bit of concern. "[y/n]?" He kneeled down. I had a hard time trying to stand. I tried to wipe my tears. "Y-yeah I'm okay." I said. "[y/n] you are shaking like a leaf, bleeding, & crying." He said. I stood up. "See I'm fine!" I said, as I fainted.

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