Chapter 3: Delores

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I screamed again "FUCKIN A FIVE! You have to stop doing that!" I yelled. I tried to wipe some of the hot tears off but they fell onto my stitches hand and burned. "Ow!" I said. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "How can you tell that I'm crying?" "Well first, if it was the water that came from the sink, it wouldn't have stung. Second, you're face started getting red and your lips started quivering." He said. I gave up. I was scared, sad & in pain. I started bawling and hugged him. He petted my head. "Now if you want to save me from Klaus at the prosthetics office tomorrow, you're gonna need to get some sleep." He said. We walked to my room, I lied in my bed, staring at the ceiling. "You know, you're pretty caring for an asshole." I said. "I may have killed a few people but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart." He said closing the door, leaving me in the dark room.

"Wake up sleepyhead." I heard as I got shaken awake. It was Klaus. "Jeez you look like a mess. What, did you get it on with five last night?" Klaus asked, wiggling an eyebrow. "NO!" I said chucking a pillow at him. "Well I have to make sure. Today I have to be his dad." Klaus remarked. "Oh shit that's right!" I jumped up. "Hey! Language" he said, clearly mocking Allison and Luther. "Get the hell out Klaus." "Fine, fine, I will." He said, closing the door.

I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, an old tank top and a [f/c] hoodie. "[Y/N]! HURRY UP!" Five said from downstairs. I opened the door "Fine! I'm coming!" As I stepped open he jumped to me, grabbed my wrist, & jumped me back to the living room.
"FUCKIN A! I swear to satan if ANY of you fucking scare me again!" I yelled.

We arrived at the prosthetics office. Most of the walls were glass. A gentleman on the plumper side walked us in. "I'm sorry, but we can't give a name without consent." Five looked pissed. "Well I can't get consent if I don't have a name." Five said through gritted teeth. Klaus butted in "What about my consent? Huh? Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my son." The doctor started to speak back. "But I didn-" "then how does he have that swollen lip?" Klaus asked. "What swollen l-" Then Klaus gave Five a stern hook to his lower lip. I yelped a bit. "Now now- we don't want to scare your um...girlfriend, now would we?" He said, pointing towards me. I blushed, then Five wrapped his hand around my shoulder. "She's fine. She's a witness." He said. "And I just witness you beat the shit out of my boyfriend." I repeated. It felt kinda good to say that word. Boyfriend. All the sudden Klaus picked up a snow globe. "Awe peace on earth how sweet." He said, smashing it against his skull. The doctor went to call security, then Klaus took the phone from him. "Help there's been an assault in Mr.Biggs office! And we need security! Now! SHNOW!" Klaus spoke, throwing down the phone. The doctor tried to save himself. "But our 'witness' is unharmed." He spoke. Then I grabbed a shard of glass that lay on the ground from the snow globe, and reopened the cut on my hand. Blood started oozing. "Now in about 60 seconds some security guards will come in and ask what the hell happened. We're going to tell them that you BEAT THE SHIT out of us. You'll do great in prison." Klaus finished. "You are some sick bastards." The doctor said.

We finally got to read the files on the eye. "This eye hasn't even been manufactured yet." He said in shock. "Goddamnit." Me and Five said simultaneously.

We walked out of the building and sat at the front stairs. "So can I get my 20$ now?" Said Klaus. "The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" Five scolded. "Well I'm also quite hungry. my tum-tums a rumbling." Klaus said, making fake stomach noises. Five started walking away. "Ive just now realized why your so uptight. You must be horny as hell, but [y/n] hasn't given you any." Klaus said. I just kept my head down in my book and said "fuck off Klaus." They both ignored my comment. "Actually, no. I wasn't alone." Five spoke. "Oh, pray tell?" Klaus said. "Her name was Delores. Been together for over 30 years." Then Klaus started trailing off. "C'mon [y/n] lets go." Five said, taking my wrist and jumping us to the back of a cab. "Keep driving." He told the startled taxi driver. "God [y/n] now I'm gonna have to stitch your hand up again." He said, examining it.

We got back to the academy, I got a painful re-stitching. And Five left. Something about "finding a lost love?" I really don't care. I went to see what Allison was up to. She was smoking, laying against a windowsill. "[y/n] what are you doing here?" She asked. "Well this is where you come when your upset." She looked confused. "How did you know I wa- Luther?" She asked. "Yep. Now come on, let me show you something." I said, taking her down to a room filled with surveillance camera recordings. "Now make sure you lock up after you're done or pogo will be pissed." I said, walking out.

I've been sitting on the couch, reading for about two hours, when Five walks in. "Welcome back." I remarked. "Don't tell me you stayed up waiting for me?" He asked. "No I've just been reading." I replied. "Really, reading until 1:38 in the morning?" He asked. "Oh shit really? I thought it was only 10:00!" I said, yawning. "Well shit, guess I am tired." I said. "Uggh I'm gonna have to get up and go to beddddd." I groaned. Then five picked me up. "What the fuck five!" I said, as he teleported me to my room. "Now get some goddamn sleep you nerd." He said. "Shut up." I muttered, slipping under the blanket as he closed the door and walked away.

word count:1050

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