Chapter 4: A Curse Lurks

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CRACK!!! CRACK!!! The sound Aaron's neck made as he cracked it. He along with the first and second years had finished doing their training for the day. Aaron was sweating and breathing pretty hard since he was pushing his body past what it's used to. 

"You know Aaron, you're level of strength is truly insane," Panda told him. 

"Yeah, I know. And this just showed me that I have a lot more strength in me that I never tapped into," Aaron retorted. 

"Now we training, you can finally unlock all of that strength," Megumi stated. 

Aaron looks at his hand and smiled. "I can't wait to see how strong I can get." 

Maki walks over to him and he looks at her. "I can't wait to see how strong you can get too," she told him with a slight smile. 

Aaron blushes and turns away. "Thanks..." 

"Alright, that's it for today. Go and relax or whatever," Maki told everyone. 

Megumi and Nobara walk off with Inumaki. Aaron stands up and grabs his swords. "I really wish there was an easier way for me to carry these things around," he commented. 

"There is," Panda told him. 


"A Curse Spirit. They're great that carrying weapons," he explained to the first year. 

"Yeah, but they're a bitch to tame though. That's why I have Panda carry all of my weapons," Maki retorted. 

"Yeah..." Panda replied. 

"Well, I think I might try to tame one so I won't have to cover my swords in bags anymore," Aaron said. 

"Good luck. But if that fails, you can just have Panda carry your shit," Maki told him. 

Panda looks at him and mouths "please don't." 

"I won't," Aaron mouthed back. 

"Anyway, I'm hungry and gonna go to Burger King. See ya later," she said before walking away. 

"See ya," Panda retorted. 

"Hey, can I come with you?" Aaron asked her. 

Both Panda and Maki turn to him. "What? You hungry or something?" Maki asked him. 

"Well, yeah..." Aaron answered with a blush. 

"Come on then, I don't want to forget your order wrong or anything," Maki replied. 

Aaron hands his swords to Panda and asks "do you mind?" 

"Not at all," Panda answered while grabbing the swords and getting close so he could whisper into Aaron's ear. "I think you trying to date her is a mistake but good luck you poor bastard." 

He walks away leaving Aaron slightly confused but he decided to continue going to Burger King with Maki. On their way there, Maki tells him "so, Aaron, tell me why you want to be a Sorcerer." 

"Oh, why I want to be a Sorcerer?" he said. 

"That's what I asked, wasn't it?" Maki retorted bluntly. 

"Right," he said. "Well, the reason why I want to become a Sorcerer is pretty simple. All my life, people have doubted me if I can become a Sorcerer because of me not having even a single drop of Cursed Energy. So, I want to become a Sorcerer to prove them all wrong." 

"Nice," Maki commented. "I'm in the same boat. Since I was born with almost no Cursed Energy, my family believes that I can't become a Sorcerer. So I'm going to become one to spite them. And then I'll come back to the Zenin clan and become the head of it and change it." 

"I think that's really awesome," Aaron told her. 

"Thanks. I can't wait for that day to come. Every day is just me getting closer to my goal," she told him. 

"Same here. How 'bout we make a promise?" he suggested. 

"What's that promise?" Maki asked him. "I just wanna know what I'm getting myself into before doing it." 

"The promise will be that neither one of us will give up and will achieve our goal no matter what!" Aaron told her. 

"Hmmm, I'll agree to that," Maki retorted. 

"Awesome!" he replied. 

"I guess," she said back as they reached Burger King. "What do you want?" 

"Oh, a Whopper is just fine," Aaron told her. 

"Alright, I'll be back in a few. And you better pay me your half of this," Maki told him as she walked away. 

"I will," he shouted as she walked further and further towards the Burger King.

He looked around and using his super enhanced and unmatched senses, he sensed something. "What the hell is that?" he asked. 

He was looking around and noticed that it sensed like a Curse. "Hey, this one could be a Curse Spirit that I could tame!" Aaron thought. 

He figured that he should go after it as all of the training that he had done has made him considerably stronger than he was before he began training. So he had no doubt in his mind that he could go after this Curse and be able to tame it. 

He looks around and doesn't see any normal humans nearby. Night has already fallen upon them and he steps into the shadows and bolts off leaving a huge gust of wind. "The sense is faint but it's getting stronger as I head in this direction," Aaron thought. 

Aaron ran and ran as the sense of this Curse grew stronger. He was growing happier and happier that he could be able to find and tame a Curse Spirit. The excitement was steadily growing as he came closer and closer to the beast born from the negative emotions of humans. 

He ran into a gate. He easily climbs it and lands in front of what looks like an abandoned building. "Gotta make this quick," he thought. 

He moved quickly while also keeping lower to the ground. He enters the building and steps across the cold stone ground. The sense was strong and he wasn't losing track of it. He looked around and start a door that was blocked up with wood that was bolted in. He stands up and walks over to it. 


He punched straight through it and ripped it off enough so that he could form a hole that he could fit through. Once an opening was made, he walked through and down the stairs leading downward. The sense was overwhelming at this point and couldn't be ignored by Aaron. 

He got to the bottom floor and sees a single light lit keeping the middle of the room lit. The Curse that was there turns around to see the first year. 

"Hello there," said the Curse

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"Hello there," said the Curse. 

Word Count: 1074

Author: I really hoped that you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see all of ya in the next one. Peace!

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