Chapter 6: A Curse's New Home

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"See ya, Maki," Aaron said while walking with Liebe. 

"See ya," she retorted. 

Liebe rubs a bruise that he had on his face, given to him by Maki when she saw him. "That girl is insane," Liebe said. 

"Yeah, she can be," Aaron retorted. 

"You think she would know that I wasn't a threat!" Liebe shouted. 

Aaron didn't know what to say and just rubbed the back of his head while lightly chuckling. "Well, that's just how she is," Aaron told him. 

"Well, she's crazy," Liebe replied.  

Eventually, they get to Aaron's room. The white haired boy opens the door and Liebe looks in and asks "this your room?" 

"Yeah, you like it?" Aaron inquired. 

"It's alright," he answered while entering. He drops his giant sword down. 

Aaron walks in and asks "where do you plan on putting that?" 

Liebe looks around before grabbing a book. He scans it and answers "I'll put it in this." 

"Okay," Aaron replied before realizing what he just said. "Wait, what?" 

Liebe holds the book in his hands and Aaron watches as a red aura surrounds it. "Done," he said before grabbing the sword. He opens the book and slides the sword into it. "There we go." 

Aaron looks at him very confused and asks "how the hell did you do that?" 

"It's my Cursed Technique," Liebe answered. "I can imbue things with my Cursed Energy and then put things into it and basically make it hold a lot of things. I don't know if there's a limit though but I wouldn't be surprised if it's unlimited." 

"Oh, that's awesome!" Aaron said in response. "Could you put my swords in that book too?" 

"Go right ahead," Liebe told him while opening up the book. 

Aaron grabs the Curse-Dweller and Curse-Destroyer swords. Liebe's eyes widen seeing those swords. He sticks the swords in and was happy that he no longer had to carry them. Liebe closes the book and places it aside. 

"Thanks, Liebe," Aaron told him. 

"No problem," he retorted. 

Aaron looks around and tells the Curse "I don't got a bed or anything for ya right now. Sorry." 

"It's fine," Liebe said before lying down on the food. "This floor is a lot more comfortable than the concrete I've been sleeping on during the past few years." 

"Alrighty," Aaron replied before getting into bed. "Good night, Liebe." 

"Night," he retorted before falling asleep. 

The pair fall asleep and hours fly by. Aaron wakes up to see the light from the sun piercing into the room. He covers his face and rolls out of bed. With his vision slowly coming back to him, he looks at the floor and notices that Liebe wasn't there. 

"Liebe?" Aaron asked. 

He got out of bed and used his strong senses to try and detect where his newly found partner would be. He picks up on his sense and walks out of his room and began walking in the direction of where Liebe was. 

"Liebe?" he asked again while walking around. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liebe screamed. "Leave me alone you crazy  bitch!"

"LIEBE?!" Aaron yelled before running to where his partner is. 

He eventually gets to the spot they have been training at and sees Liebe with the Curse-Dweller and Destroy swords in hand while facing off with Panda, Megumi, Nobara, and Inumaki. Aaron was shocked and saw Maki sitting on the steps watching. 

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