Chapter 9: Strength Unleashed

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Aaron stood firm as he slowly scanned the area. The scent kept getting stronger until he saw the Special Grade show itself. He held onto the Cursed-Destroyer sword tightly as Hanami stomped in front of him.

"Fuhdskfygdshsufdhdsifyhgdsifyhsuodhsdyfgdiyfghdsyufgdsucfhasudhweifygsduyhasyudgsdiyfgdyifvgsdiyf," Hanami said.

"The hell did you just say?" Aaron asked it.

"Jdnsekjfhweuofheruhfiwdnudhgiweufhweiufhisdhbhiysgfidughfeufhdsjbusdidwbfudfjvjudsbiusjdfiuwdbvihsdbhufwehnfyhdebhfiuw," Hanami told him.

"Okay," Aaron said before launching himself at Hanami.

The Curse jumps back while firing his buds. Aaron deflects them with his sword, not like they would do any harm to him due to his lack of Cursed Energy. Hanami lands on the ground and looks at the white haired boy running at him with speed only one other could match.

He rills his arm back and unleashes his roots at Aaron. The sorcerer stops with his feet grinding against the ground. He jumps back and the roots just manage to touch his jaw. But he was fine as he was not injured.

He jumped into a nearby tree and got above the roots that were launched at him. He looked and saw that the Curse was gone. "I still got your scent," Aaron said before launching himself into the air and got a good look at the surrounding area.

One place he scanned, he saw Liebe with Nobara and Mai. He made a mental note of where they were as he fell to the ground. He rushed over to them, making it there in no time. He slides across the ground as if he was playing baseball and was making a home run.

Each of them was surprised to see this happen. "Aaron?" Liebe questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Nobara asked.

"I wanted to know if Liebe could help me out," Aaron said while looking up at the sky. "This isn't an exchange event anymore. We all can see that."

"Yeah, but I know if I can leave Nobara," Liebe replied.

Nobara looks at Liebe and tells him "what are you talking about? Of course, you can leave me."

"You sure?" Liebe asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine with Mai. I know this bitch ain't gotta do anything to me now," Nobara reassured him.

"Excuse you?" Mai said.

"Just go. I'll be fine," Nobara told him with a wink.

"Alright then," Liebe replied. "Let's go, Aaron!"

"Awesome!" Aaron retorted before running off.

"HEY!!! WAIT UP!!!!!!" Liebe shouted before flying after Aaron.

"Those idiots," Mai said.

"Yeah, but they got good hearts. Especially Liebe," Nobara replied.

"Oh god, don't tell me you got a crush on a Curse," Mai told her.

"What?! I don't!" Nobara replied.

"Whatever you say," Mai said with a smile.

"Don't make me knock your ass out with a hammer, you damn bitch," Nobara retorted.

"Hmm?" Mai responded.

Back with Aaron and Liebe, they were going after the Curse, trying to find it. "You know where it is?" Liebe asked.

"Yeah, and-"


This caught before Liebe and Aaron's attention. "It's this way!" Aaron shouted.

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