Part 9: The Team

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[Y/n POV]

I just got to Harry's door to tell him a few more things. Not as Batman but as (Y/n).

(Y/n): knocks on door

Harry: "Enter."

I walk in an see him working on some papers.

Harry: "Ah (Y/n), how can I help you?"

(Y/n): "I came to talk more about the whole White Mask situation."

Harry: "Alright I'm all ears."

(Y/n): "I code named the toxin, Fear Toxin."

Harry: "Okay. How bad would it be if this stuff was used for an attack."

(Y/n): "It would be worse than any terror attack. When the person experiences these hallucinations they act out of fear. That can cause some to lose control and harm someone else."

Harry: "So whoever releases this toxin wouldn't have to do anything. They just watch everyone else tear each other apart."

(Y/n): "Exactly."

Harry: "That's not good. What do we do."

(Y/n): "I suggest getting a team ready. Once I find the White Masks next wearhouse or next plan you mobilize this team and put a stop to it."

Harry: "What about you."

(Y/n): "What about me?" I say in curiosity.

Harry: "Will you be helping this team as (Y/n) or Batman?"

(Y/n): "I will let you know. For now get a team ready."

Harry: "Do you have any suggestions on who should be on this team?"

(Y/n): "We are going to need a medic, and someone familiar with chemicals and gas. The rest is up to you."

Harry: "Alright I will get the team set."

(Y/n): "Okay I will talk to you later Harry."

I walk out of Harry's office and into my dorm. I go straight to the lift and go straight into the underground lair. I check for chemists that have gotten any massive amounts of money recently. None. Maybe a psychologist. I land on someone named Jonathan Crane. He is a professor in psychology am has gotten 10's of thousands of dollars inserted into his bank account over the span of a few months. In that time span he could have made tons of fear toxin by then. That's not good I need to find out the White Masks next move and and fast.

[Zofia POV]

After what happened in the cafeteria I don't know if I can trust completely (Y/n). At least not yet anyways. All of a sudden I hear Harry's voice through Herefords speakers.

Harry: "Can the following operators report to my office immediately. Doc, Smoke, Zofia, Caveira, Vigil, Dokkaebi, Tachanka, Thatcher, Finka, and Lion. Thank you."

I make my way to Harry's office and quick. I walk in and see everyone already in.

Harry: "Thank you for joining us Mrs. Bosak. Take a seat and we can begin."

Smoke: "I don't want this to come off as rude but what's this about."

Harry: "I'm glad you asked. There's a reason I called you specifically Mr. Porter. You have an extensive knowledge of chemicals and gases, which is exactly what we need for this team."

Finka: "What do you mean?"

Harry: "You all know by now that the White Masks have become a serious threat. But they are figuring out new ways to terrorize the world."

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