𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤: 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙩

216 23 13

tw: smoking, swearing, blood, insanity/bloodlust idk

i literally have no idea how big cities or apartments work because i've never been in one lmao
this is probably described so wrong

Tommy woke up to yelling. He looked to his right, and the sunlight glimmered onto his eyes. His clock was right by the window and it read 5:38 AM. Tommy looked to his left with half-lidded eyes and saw Tubbo shaking him and yelling things. Such as 'Tommy, get up!' or 'You promised to go this month!' Once Tommy was finally awake enough to speak, he spoke in a raspy voice. "Shut the fuck up." Tommy said as he turned his back on Tubbo, digging his head back into the pillow while groaning.

Tubbo hit his shoulder. "But you promised, big man!" Tommy finally sat up, still under the blankets of his bed. He gave a death stare at the smaller boy. "Why at five in the morning?" Tommy asked. "Also, why can't Ranboo do it?"

"Ranboo went last month. Plus, we ran out of potions and their nose is still broken." Tubbo stared back, with a deadpan expression. "We have to go before six because that's when the heroes patrol. If they find you suspicious or your disguise is ruined, they will arrest you."

Villains have to risk their lives daily just to do simple things for that reason. The Bench Trio is surprisingly infamous, but since Killer Bee's explosion permanently gave the creeper hero, Awesamdude, a burn scar, and the giant damage to the road, buildings, and harming around ten people it's no doubt that the three are definitely the talk of the town. After all, they were on the news like two times. Out of the three, Tommy is the most normal looking one. If he hides his hair, hands, eyes, ears and tail, of course. Which can all be solved with a simple hoodie or jacket.

If Tommy wanted to go where he wanted to go, he had to get ready fast. "Gather your clothes while I get dressed and put them in a pile," Demanded Tommy in his morning voice. "Give me about ten minutes to get ready." The taller started to get up, wincing at the pain from his bruises and cuts.

"You good, dude? You're whimpering." Tubbo interrogated, genuine worry on his face. Tommy is a raccoon hybrid (don't say furry, he beat up Tubbo once for that reason), and raccoons whimper when they feel pain like most animals do. "Yeah, 'm fine. My hoodie will cover the cuts." Assured Tommy, finally fully out of his bed. Tubbo ran out of the room to give Tommy privacy, and gather the piles of laundry to put them in one big pile.

The apartment the trio lived in wasn't the best quality. The paint was chipping off, there was a lot of graffiti art on the inside and outside of the building, and none the rooms had washing machines. All of the people who lived in the apartment complex had to go to a laundromat to wash their clothes. Of course, that wouldn't be too bad. But the three were villains. They could be recognized by heroes if they went anywhere in public. Therefore, they barely went out of their home out of costume.

But they still need their clothes washed, right? As a solution the three made a deal. Every month, one person would go to the laundromat to wash all of their dirty clothes. Of course, not in costume. They also wanted to go and come back before six. Six is when the heroes officially patrol their assigned areas, making sure there aren't any rule breakers.

Tommy got up and searched around for a roll of bandages. He finally found the one he owned and wrapped it around his right arm. The most scars and bruises were on that arm. One he finished, he went to his closet and pulled out some regular jeans and a blue hoodie. He also got white socks and didn't care about shoes, since he only ever wore one normal pair. Of course, he used a different pair of shoes for his villains outfit, he uses black platform boots that went up to his knees and had a two inch platform. Tommy was already 6'1 so those shoes made his villain self look 6'3.

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