Chapter 56

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Gray fell asleep later that night but it wasn't a peaceful sleep. He felt hot and sweaty, his body trembled. He kept having strange urges and thoughts. He woke up the next morning thinking that it was the roughest night of his life. He went into the bathroom to wash his face and was shocked to find that his eyes were still green and in slits.

"What the hell?" He tried to will his eyes to change back but they wouldn't. When he moved to rub his eyes to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating he saw that his finger nails were still claws. Just like with his eyes, he tried to will his claws to revert into regular finger nails but also like his eyes they remained unchanged. "Oh this is bad. This is bad. I have to call Erza."

He grabbed his phone and tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up. Unable to wait, he put on a pair of gloves and sunglasses then left his dorm room to find her. He had just made it out the door when he ran into Lyon who was on his way back.

"Well, well if it isn't my so called friend." He said bitterly.

"Look Lyon I can't talk right now."

"Really because I think we do need to talk pal. Right now!"

"Lyon please-"

"I was out with Juvia the other night and I learned something very interesting about her and you. Something that you neglected to tell me."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you stole my girl!"


It was at that moment that Gray finally remembered that last night Juvia had revealed to Lyon that she couldn't date him because she had feelings for Gray. Lyon had been so angry about it and he acted as if she had been leading him on or something. But that wasn't the case at all.

"Lyon it's not what you think."

"Oh spare me! You knew all along didn't you? That she wanted you and not me!"

"Not exactly." Gray answered. "I mean she wanted to date me but I told her I wasn't interested and it was before either one of us met you. Lyon I know you think you may have been deceived but that's not the case. We didn't tell you because we didn't want to make things awkward and I can't help how she feels, okay? And keep in mind that I turned her down."

"So you're not interested her at all?"

"No. She's an awesome friend but that's all she is to me. I didn't steal anyone's girl." Lyon looked like he was about to calm down and see reason but then Gray muttered under his breath, "But to be fair she wasn't even your girl to begin with."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're acting like she was your steady girlfriend who cheated on you with me. But you two only had one date and she was upfront with how she really felt in the beginning. And I thought you were cool with that."

"I was until I found out it was you that she preferred over me."

"What does it matter if it's me or not?"

"How do I know she's not just using me to get to you huh? Or that this isn't some cruel joke you two are playing?"

"Now you're just being crazy. She's not like that and neither am I. Come on Lyon, you know us."

"Apparently I don't. If I did I would have figured out long ago that sweet innocent Juvia was really some conniving flirt."

Gray felt his blood boil at what Lyon was implying about Juvia, boiling so hot that he let a feral growl slip out.

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