Chapter 41

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Gray searched the entire city for Natsu. Hoping and praying that his friend hadn't of gotten into any trouble. He finally found him on the roof of a building in his super hero persona. Gray climbed up to meet him while thanking God that Natsu didn't take off when he saw him.

"There you are." Gray said. "You're hard to track. Listen we have to talk about that suit of yours."

"This again? Gray will you relax? I have it handled."

"I don't think you realize what it is you have on you. Look I talked to Erza and-"

"Hey look it's Red Dragon!" The two heard some citizen call from a window.

"What's with the black get up?" Another one asked.

"It's probably a disguise. He thinks he can fool us! Let's shoot him down! I got a tranquilizer dart!"

"Oh man not this crap again!" Natsu groaned.

"Scatter!" Gray said once the citizens started shooting at them.

Gray moved to get away but Natsu decided to take matters into his own hands. He swung over, knocked one of them down, took his gun, and started holding him over the ten story building.

"No! Stop! Please!" The man begged. "If you drop me from this height I'll die!"

"Will you really?" Natsu asked sinisterly. "I mean you may sustain a few internal injuries but die? We think that's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think?"

When Gray realized he was alone he looked back and was horrified by what he saw. His best friend was actually threatening to drop a citizen to his death. No not threatening, he was going to do it. Gray could tell by the look in his eyes. Thinking fast, Gray darted through the window, tackled Natsu, and pulled the man safely inside, who passed out from extreme fear.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" Gray shouted at Natsu. "You were going to kill that guy!"

"He was trying to kill us."

"No he wasn't! It was a tranquilizer gun! It would have stunned you! And you knew that!"

"So what?"

"So what?! Need I remind you that we're heroes and that we're not supposed to kill people!"

"Yeah? Well maybe we're getting sick of the hero business?! We save these idiots all the time and what's our reward? They try to turn us in to the police under false allegations!"

"Not everyone believes that and I am going to clear your name on this. But none of that excuses what you almost did! Natsu you're just confirming what Gajeel is accusing you of being!"

"Whatever. He probably won't be accusing us of anything anymore."

"What does that mean?"

"None of your business."

"What did you do? Did you hurt him?"

"Not as bad as we hurt Laxus."

"What?! You attacked them!"

"Why so upset? You don't like either one of them."

"That doesn't mean I want them harmed! Especially Gajeel who happens to be my boss and brother to a certain friend of ours!"

"You mean Juvia? I know they're related. She was there."

"She was?" Gray felt his shock start to become anger. "I swear Natsu if you've hurt her in anyway I'll-"

"Relax bro I ran out as soon as she showed up so you can drop the whole knight in shining armor act."

"Natsu you need to get that suit off. It's changing you and not for the better! I gave Erza a sample of that stuff to study and she said it's alive."

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