Chapter 39

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Later that night Natsu and Gray met up in their usual spot before they began patrolling the city.

"Alright don't get too upset but I couldn't get the pictures." Gray said.

"What?" Natsu said as a great rage started bubbling up inside of him.

"I'm sorry but Laxus showed up and he got in the way. Not to mention Gajeel was in a very emotional state at the moment."


"So what?"

"So why didn't you press him for the photos?"

"Laxus and I got into an argument and he didn't want to disturb his wife."

"How could she be disturbed?! She's comatose!"

"Hey that's a little insensitive of you don't you think?"

"Well excuse me but I've spent the whole day being hunted down for that reward! You know I almost got shot twice?!"

"I know you're frustrated and I can't blame you. I will get those photos and get proof that they're doctored. I just need to get some time alone with my boss. Or at least without Laxus butting in."

"Well I can easily take care of that last part."

"What do you mean?"

"I could make sure that he doesn't butt him."


"Well..." He said with a grin that made his friend a little uneasy. "He can't butt in if he were to be thrown in front of a car right?"


"I know where his apartment is. No one would recognize me, I could grab him and just toss him in front of the nearest, on coming taxi. He'll be in the hospital long enough for you to get your point across."

"What?!" Gray gasped, not sure that he heard correctly. "You're joking right?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Gray looked for any sign that Natsu was just goofing around but he saw nothing but complete seriousness in his face and that scared him.

"Natsu you...You wouldn't...You wouldn't really do that to him would you?"

"Why not?"

"Why not? Hmm...Let's think about that shall we? Because it's illegal, wrong, and straight up crazy!"

"It would serve the ass hole right after years of treating me like his own personal punching bag."

"Hey I agree that he's a jerk who needs a good kick in the ass but you just described was almost murder. He could die from that."

"He could?"


"You're right. He could. Wha...Why did I think about doing that?"

"I don't know but you really had me spooked there for a minute. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry for my little psycho moment. I guess sometimes I get so angry that I'll say the freakiest things."

"Freaky is right."

Gray then turned his attention to Natsu's suit. He didn't know what but something about it was giving him a bad vibe. Like there was something not right about it.

"Where did you say you got that suit again?"

"I already told you. I don't know. It just appeared on my body. It's the most amazing thing. It moves to my every thought."

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