Chapter 1

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College. It's the ultimate start of a person's journey toward independence or at least that's how I saw it. A fresh new start for me and my friends where we can make our own decisions about life. At first that sounded so excited and fun for me until I realized just how difficult making life choices was. Oh yeah, you probably wanna know who I am right?

I'm Natsu Dragneel, just your average ordinary college fresh men or at least I thought I was. Then the most incredible thing happened to me but I'm getting ahead of myself. I should probably start at the beginning, like every great human being my life had humble beginnings. I was born nineteen years ago in a fairly small hospital to local mechanic Igneel Dragneel. 

Money was always a problem for us, when I was a kid I would hear my parents argue so much about it. How much they made, how much they lost, how much they had to give to taxes and pay bills with. Mom blamed all our financial problems on Dad and one day it became too much for her so she left. I'll never forget the day after she left us. 

I was six years old and I had just woken up that morning. I went down stairs to get breakfast only to find Dad crying by the front door. I had never seen him cry before.

"Dad." I said. 

At the sound of my voice my dad realized I was there. He stood up from the floor and looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"Dad why are you crying?" I asked him. Looking around I soon became aware that we were the only two people here. "Dad where's Mom?"

As soon as I asked that question Dad hugged me and started crying.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's all my fault!"

He kept saying those words to me over and over again. It wasn't until years later that I realized that Dad blamed himself for Mom leaving but I never blamed him. It was her choice to leave, it's not like he made her. Ever since she left Dad had done everything he could to take care of me. So I guess you could say for a long time it was just me and Dad. 

But then things changed when I went to high school and that's where I met my first best friend Gray Fullbuster. We met in a janitor's closet where the bullies left us there duck taped to each other. Until the janitor came to cut us loose we decided to kill time by talking and we learned that we had a lot in common. We were both targets for dumb ass bullies, we both loved science though his major was biology and anatomy while I preferred physics and chemistry, we both only had one family member in our lives, and most of all we both had the worst luck with women. So it was only natural they we become best buds for life. Oh sure we didn't get always along, in fact we would fight a lot but all in all we shared almost everything. We shared the same classes, the same issues, even the same crush.

Her name was Lucy Heartfilia and in my eyes she was the most perfect woman who had ever existed. She was popular, bright, and well liked by everyone but what made her so perfect was that despite being with the in crowd she always saw me. Me, the school's biggest loser who no one except Gray ever gave a single thought about. But she didn't just see me, she talked to me like I was a human being and she always stood up for me whenever the bullies used me as their own personal punching bag but someone like me or Gray didn't have a chance with someone like her. 

Okay so you know about my humble backstory, my family, my best friend, and my crush now you're going to hear about Gray and I ended up sharing way more than what the average best buddies should share. It all began on a college field trip we were taking to the laboratory of Dr. Acnologia Kingston. 

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