Chapter 43

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Juvia stood in her dressing room wearing her victorian style costume with make on her face and her hair up prim and proper. From the surface she looked like a real professional actress but inside she had butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't remember the last time she had been so nervous. If she didn't do this role right she could say goodbye to her acting dream.


"Come in." Her anxiety turned to utter joy when she saw Gray come in to her room holding a small bouquet of flowers. "Gray. You made it."

She hugged him with relief.

"I just wanted to wish you luck and give you these." He said handing her the flowers. "Sorry that it's so small but I couldn't afford anything bigger."

"They're perfect." She said before smelling them. "Besides I'm just glad you're here."

"I heard that Gajeel wouldn't be able to come."

"Yes but I'm not upset with him over it. Levy needs him more than I do but it's bad enough that my parents will never be able to see me perform and now my poor brother has to miss it with Levy in the hospital. But the fact you came makes me feel much better."

"Really? I didn't think I mattered that much to you."

"Well you're pretty much my best friend and they're not easy to come by." She said. "Is your aunt with you?"

"Uh-huh. Good thing too because there was no way she was going to let me miss your show."

"I was wondering Gray, after the show I'm going to the hospital to be with Gajeel and Levy. Would you mind coming with me?"

"I would like to but there's something I have to do after this. It's very important."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you but if I can get this thing done quick. I'll go with you. I won't make any promises but-"

"It's okay. I understand." She said with a smile. "You better get in your seat. The show starts in five minutes."

"Right. Break a leg."

He left her dressing room and sat with Ur in their reserved seats. Before the show started, Gray searched the audience for Natsu. When he spotted him he became determined to go after him as soon as the show ended.

Five minutes later the curtains went up and the play started. Juvia was a natural. She said every line perfectly and with just the right amount of emotion. He could notice that she would get nervous a few times but he would just give her smile which would boost her confidence right back up. With the spot light shinning on her, in that victorian pastel dress, with her hair being pinned up with beads, she looked like an angel. At least to Gray she looked like an angel.

When the play was over the audience clapped, cheered, and some of the members even whistled. Juvia was on cloud nine when she got back to her dressing room. She didn't fail. She put on a good performance and the audience liked her.

"Now I can breathe." She said figuratively.

She was just about to undress when she heard a knock at her door for the second time.

"Oh Gray is that you?"

She opened the door but jumped back when she saw that it was Natsu on the other side. He was staring at her in a way that made her shiver.

"Oh...Hi Natsu." She said trying not tremble. "Wha...What are you doing back here?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something."

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