Chapter 5

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When Gray woke up the next morning he too found some physical changes in his body. Like Natsu he had developed upper body strength.

"Where did these come from?" He asked himself. "Not that I'm complaining."


"Gray are you alright?" Ur asked from the other side of his bedroom door.

"I'm fine Aunt Ur."

"We'll it's ten o'clock and I don't think it's very healthy to sleep in any later. Get up."


Gray got dressed and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. But to his astonishment, he found that he had developed fangs like Natsu's except his were more like the fangs found in lions, bears, wolves, and tigers.

"What the?" He said. "Are these supposed to be my wisdom teeth?"

With his finger he tapped the pointed top of one of the fangs in his mouth. Suddenly in an instant, his finger nails had turned into claws. He looked down at his hands, shocked by his new appendages. He then saw his eyes change color. They change from their usual grey to a misty green.

"What...What's happening to me?"

"Gray!" Ur called. "You didn't go back to sleep did you? If you're not down here in five minutes I'm coming up there!"

"Oh man! I can't let Aunt Ur see me like this!" Gray said. He grabbed a pair of nail clippers from the drawer and tried to cut off the claws but they were stronger than he thought, so strong that they broke the clippers. "Oh no! What I am going to do? I gotta make these go away!"

At once his claws went back into his skin leaving him with regular human fingernails. He checked his eyes and his teeth, they were back to normal too.

"Alright so that's one problem solved but what just happened? I'll worry about it later, at least I managed to get rid of it before Aunt Ur could see."

He finished getting ready and went to help his aunt with cleaning out the attic. As they were walking down the stairs from the attic, Gray sensed that his aunt was about to fall. Acting fast he caught her and the box of china plates she was carrying.

"You okay Aunt Ur?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine. Good reflexes you have there." She said.

"Thanks. Hey since we're done with the attic, is it okay if I meet up with Natsu? I need to talk to him about something very important."

"I suppose but be home before dark dear."

"I will."

He kissed his aunt on the cheek and went next door to talk to Natsu. He wanted to tell him about the strange things happening to his body. Gray was close with his aunt but he told Natsu everything and he always kept his secrets. Gray was the same way, if Natsu told him his secret then he would take it to his grave.

"Hi Gray." Igneel said answering the door after Gray knocked. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better Mr. Dragneel, can I talk to Natsu?"


Igneel called Natsu down and told him that Gray wanted to talk to him about something.

"So what's up?" Natsu asked.

"Okay man you're probably not going to believe me when I tell you this but something freaky is happening to me."

"Freaky how?"

"Well it started last night, after I got home from the hospital. I started to feel very weird and I passed out but the freaky stuff didn't happen til I woke up."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for one thing my body had changed and I'm not talking puberty. I had muscles, like the kind that Laxus and all those other jocks have."

"Really? And did your teeth suddenly get sharper? And did your eyes change color?"

"Yeah. For a moment my teeth looked like fangs and my eyes turned green. They were like a cat's eyes. How did you know?"

"That's what happened to me. The muscles, the teeth, the eyes except my eyes turned yellow and they were like a reptile's. Did your tongue get all long and sticky too?"

"My tongue? No. But I had claws and I could do these amazing things."

"Like what?"

During their conversation, they walked into the street but a car being driven by a man who was texting. Sensing it coming, Gray quickly grabbed Natsu's arm and did a back flip out of the oncoming vehicle, taking Natsu with him.

"Maniac!" Gray shouted at the car once he and Natsu had landed safely.

"Whoa! Since when did you become acrobatic?" Natsu asked.

"I don't know. This is some of the stuff I can suddenly do now."

"Awesome. I wonder if I could do that."

When they got out of the street, Natsu tried to do a back flip like Gray did but he was unsuccessful.

"No fair. How come you can do cool tricks and I can't?"

"Don't ask me, I don't even know how I can do these tricks."

"Typical. Good stuff always happen to you." He said shoving a nearby lamppost which to his surprise ended up falling over. "Oops."

"Natsu did you actually do that?" Gray asked.

"I guess...I mean...Did I? Wait a minute let me try something. Follow me to my dad's garage."

In Igneel's garage was 350 pound car motor that he was working on. Before today, there was no way on earth Natsu could lift it without help but today he picked it up like it didn't weigh anything. He was even able to hold it over his head with just one arm.

"Holy crap." Gray said. "How are you doing that?"

"I don't know."

"Dude your eyes! They're yellow!"

"They are?"


Natsu put the motor down and looked at his reflection in the side mirror of his father's car. His eyes had once again turned yellow and reptile like.

"Aww man. Is my tongue all freaky again?"

He opened his mouth but to his relief his tongue was still normal.

"Oh no they're back!" Gray gasped looking to see that his finger nails had become claws again. "The claws are back!"

"Yikes! Those are long man." Natsu said when he saw Gray's hands.

"Alright I'm very close to freaking out."

"Should we tell somebody?"

"Who would we tell?"

"My dad? Your aunt?"

"No! If Aunt Ur finds out I'm turning into some kind of...Thing she'll probably have to be sedated. We need to talk to someone who might have an idea about what's wrong with us."

"How about Professor Clive? He knows pretty much everything."

"I don't know about that but at least if we tell him he won't hyperventilate."

"Let's get to the campus and pray that he's working today."

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