Chapter 7

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"Okay so this Erza girl is going to work on a cure for us. Great. Nothing to worry about, we just have to wait." Gray said. "Wait and remain calm."

"You know." Natsu said thinking. "This may not be so bad."

"What are you talking about? We're freaks of nature! Or are we freaks of science? You know what it doesn't matter! All that matters is we're freaks!"

"Maybe we should be more positive."

"Okay I'm positive that we're freaks."

"Hey Fullbuster!"

Gray flinched when he heard the angry voice of Laxus who was heading straight for them. With him we're his pals Bickslow and Freed.

"Yes Laxus?" Gray asked.

"Where's my report?"


"The one you were supposed to write for me! Where is it?"

"Oh...Sorry Laxus but with what happened at the laboratory I forgot."

"So you're backing out of our deal? Is that it?"

"Deal?" Natsu said.

"I do his homework and he doesn't kill me." Gray replied. "Come on Laxus cut me some slack. I was in the hospital."

"Yeah and you're going straight back there when I'm done with you."

He swung a fist at Gray only for him to dodge it. He threw another and another but Gray just kept dodging them much to the amazement of Bickslow and Freed. Their amazement was furthered when Laxus lunged for Gray only for him to do an impressive back flip out of the way.

"Are you done now?" Gray asked.

"You think you're real smart don't you Fullbuster?" Laxus asked.

"Compared to you he's a genius." Natsu said. "But then again everyone's a genius when compared to you Laxus."

"Shut your mouth Dragneel!" Laxus snapped.

"Why don't you make me?"

Laxus threw a punch at Natsu but he caught that fist with incredible strength that the bully did not expect him to have. Then he sent Laxus flying backwards. He moved to tackle Natsu only for his face to hit Natsu's waiting fist.

"Had enough?" Natsu asked. "My friend isn't going to do your homework anymore and we're not going to let you push us around anymore but if you still feel the need to harrass us then you better expect us to fight back."

"Whoa!" Bickslow said. "The nerds are on steroids."

"Let's get out of here Laxus." Freed told him.

Laxus gave Freed a glare for acting cowardly but he seemed to understand his reasoning.

"I have better things to do right now so I'll let you two off just this once."

But both Natsu and Gray knew the real reason why he and his gang. They had scared them off with their new abilities.

"Okay I won't lie." Gray said. "That felt good."

"I know right." Natsu said. "I thought that we would never be able to take down Laxus. See? I told you there was a positive side to this."

"I still don't like it. I think that we should keep these...Uh things we can do a secret. They might get us into trouble."

"I guess."

Just then Natsu saw a very incredible looking car drive by. The owner of the car was a local rich bachelor called Loke and sitting next to him was his girlfriend Lucy. She seemed to be very impressed with Loke's car which made Natsu think, if he had a car that was as good as Loke's then maybe he could have a chance at getting Lucy's attention.

"On second thought Gray you can keep it a secret but I'm going to get a little use out of these powers during my time with them."

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

"Well as you know I am a little short on cash. Maybe these powers could help me make a couple of bucks."

"Working where? At the circus?"

Natsu glanced over at a nearby telephone pole. Posted on it was an add for a wrestling match that would take place next Friday, anyone could apply and if they succeed in pining the champion down they would win a thousand dollars.

"I'll sign up for this." Natsu said showing Gray the add.

"Have you lost your mind?" Gray asked after reading the add. "You'll be smeared, thrashed, murdered!"

"Not with these powers."

"Natsu this wouldn't be some stupid amateur you would be going up against. We're talking a professional wrestler here."

"I know what I'm going up against. Don't worry."

"Even so there's no way your dad would let you do this."

"That's why I'm not gonna tell him and neither are you."

"Oh no. You're not sucking me into this."

"All you have to do is not tell where I am next Friday night."

"What if someone asks? Like my aunt?"

"Just tell her you don't know."

"You mean lie? Natsu I can't lie to her. I've tried and she always finds away to get the truth out of me one way or another."

"Just do this for me. After all I did save you from Laxus."

"You didn't save me, I could have handled him and what do you need money for anyway?"

"I wanna buy a car."

"A car? Since when are you that desperate for car?"

He then remembered seeing Lucy and her boyfriend drive by.

"Oh...I get it. You want a car like Loke's because you think it'll impress Lucy?"


"Natsu face reality, guys like us don't end up with girls like Lucy."

"That doesn't stop you from crushing on her as much as I am."


"So will you cover for me Friday night?"

"I don't know." Gray said with a mischievous grin. "Suppose you actually do get the money, buy a cool car, and win Lucy over. What about my dreams of dating her huh? Maybe I should tell your dad what you're planning to do."

"You wouldn't."

"I would but not for that reason. If I were to tell your old man about this it would be because I don't want you to get maimed."

"I won't. I promise. So what do you say?"

Gray thought for a moment.

"Alright. I won't tell anyone but please come back alive from this."

"Oh I'll do more than just come back alive. I'll win the money, buy an awesome car, and blow Lucy away. She'll never look at me the same again."

"Well there goes my only chance at true love."

"Doesn't your aunt typically try to set you up with a girl?"

"Yeah but she usually does a lousy job. The last girl she had me meet was the extreme activist type who thought that science was a crime against nature and she had crooked teeth."

"Yikes! Your aunt thought that she would be a good match for you?"

"Aunt Ur said that she seemed nice on her profile. Recently she's met this woman at work and she's thinking about introducing me to her sister in-law."

"Oh yeah? What's she like?"

"I don't know but I'm not interested in another blind date. The next time Aunt Ur brings it up, I'm going to tell her that I'm not interested."

"And you really think she'll listen?"

"Lord I pray that she does."

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