The snap!

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*DING DING * I open my phone and I see a snap from Gavin 

*DING DING * I open my phone and I see a snap from Gavin 

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l look at the snap for a sec and I went to go text Gavin

Coco: Hey Gavin I saw your snap r you okay?

Gavin: Ummmm... Yeah i'm okay

Coco: You sure...?

Gavin: Can we meet at my house at 12:00?

Coco: 12:00 at night?

Gavin: Yeah.... If that's okay

Coco: It is okay i'm a bit scared!

Gavin: okay see you then. 

Coco goes downstairs and goes to ask her mom if she can take her to Gavin's at 12 . 

"So hey mom I have a question"

"Yes Coco" Cocos mom says siting on the couch.

"OK so Gavin asked me if I could go to his house because he says that its important."

"Its like 11:00 right now" Cocos mom says with a confused face.

"Yeah he wants me over at 12" Coco says nerviness.

"Coco It's a little late."

Coco starts to beg to go to Gavin's.

"Please please please" Coco says with a hopeful face.

"Fine but you will need to text me when for me to pick u up."

"OK" Coco says ruining up the stairs.

Coco runs up the stars and grabs her phone and her shoes. Coco runs down stars and runs out the door and gets in the front seat of the car. Cocos mom starts to drive to Gavin's house.


                                                                    At Gavin's house

*Ding dong.* 

"Heyyyy are u okay Gavin."

"Hey and no I'm not. Come in" Gavin says crying a bit. 

"So what's up Garv?" Coco says with a confused face.

"So ummm........ you will need to sit down for this."

"Okay... your scaring me!"

"So ummm... m......y mom told me that we are moving again," Gavin says starting to cry.

"What? You are? Please tell me that this is a prank."

"No it's not a prank I'm moving in a month."

"WHAT NO YOU CAN'T" Coco says starting to cry.

"Yeah so I--" Gavin sart's to ball his eyes out

"Omg Gavin its OK we will face time all the time and I will go see you ware are you moving to?"

"M--y mom did not tell me" Gavin sniffles.

Coco hug's Gavin and starts to cry. Ima miss you Garv Coco says crying with Gavin's arms around Cocos wast.

"Gavin" Coco says still crying.

"Yes" Gavin says still with his arms around Coco.

"I--- Love you" Coco says crying harder with Gavin's head on Coco's solder.

"I love you to" Gavin says still crying.

Coco think's In her head that Gavin will forget her when he moves.

"Oh and Gavin" Coco says wiping her tiers.

"Y----es Coco"

"I want to ask will you forget about me when you move"

"No i would not I love you why do you think that?" Gavin says releasing his arms from Coco's wast.

"I just-----.

Before Coco could say anything Gavin kissed her and sead.

"You are amazing and i would never ever forget about you you are my ride or die person forever" Gavin says looking into Cocos eyes.

"You are to I will miss you garv well i got to go home I need to text my mom"

Coco gets up and gets her phone and text her mom and say........


                                                                       Mamma :)

Coco: Hey mom you can pick me up now!

Mamma: Okay!

Coco: So when i get in the car i will look like i have bin crying its because i have but i will talk to you about it later.

Mamma: Why, are you okay i will be their in 10 min.

Coco: No i'm not okay, but okay see you soon love you mamma!

Mamma: ...


"Okay I told my mom that I need her to pick me up"

"Okay" Gavin says wiping his tiers


"What is it Coco?"

"My mom has bin typing for like 10 min and she sead that she will be hear in 10 min" Coco says freaking out!!!

"I'm shore it's okay she just might be late RIGHT" 

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