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I didn't talk to Mila nor Nessa for the next two days after our argument.

You could imagine how awkward it must've been, being that I live in a house with Mila and Nessa is always over. But the majority of the time I stayed in my room with the door locked, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.

However they both came in my room the other day and explained how they felt and vice versa. We ultimately came to an agreement and just pushed aside the drama because in the end it wasn't worth it. These were my friends who I was going to stand by no matter what.

"Her and Mads aren't friends again... I wonder why this time." Mila says, making me roll my eyes.

"When aren't they arguing?" I reply; earning a smug look from Nessa, which I reciprocate.

"I don't care anymore. It's always an ongoing issue with our friendship. Maybe it's meant to be over." She says. "We all could've told you that." Mila laughs out.

We were all sitting in the living room, around the table catching up on what's happened in the past few days since my birthday and honestly it was nothing new.

Nessa and Josh called it quits again, Mila is confused on her feelings for Chris whose been M.I.A since my birthday party... same old same old. As for me, I've been chilling, focusing up on the podcast and who would be the next guest.

I've been thinking about doing one with Avani because we've been talking a lot more recently and she's been actually talking about wanting to start a show herself where she invites people on to talk about similar topics.

I was all down for it, and she let me know that I'd be her first person she'll interview.

"Hello? Are you even paying attention, Cleo?" Nessa whined.

"If you have to ask me if I was paying attention, I'm pretty sure I wasn't paying attention." I snicker, making her throw a pillow at me.

*july 6th, 2020*
i think y'all know what this chapter is about, lol

I hadn't heard from Nessa in like 2-3 days.

It was weird because she was always around the house but since her break up with Josh a few weeks ago, she's been acting a bit distant.

I was thinking it was because she had a problem with Mads, and then for her to also be going through a break up, it kind of fucked with her a bit. But she knows that if there was anything going on she could always come to me or Mila. We'd always be there.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mila says, from her spot on my bed.

It was Me, Vinnie and Mila.

It was around 8 pm and we were all contemplating on what we were going to eat. Vinnie had came over, at my request, and he'd been here the whole day.

"What happened?" I asked looking up from my book. "Look at tiktokroom. Somethings going on with Charli, Chase, Josh, Anthony? Jaden? Why's everyone unfollowing each other?" She questions.

I dropped the book in my hand, proceeding to my phone to check what's going on.

Looking at the page it was just filled with subtweets, everyone unfollowing everyone... just pure confusion.

"Josh and Charli unfollowed Nessa?" I say, looking up at Mila.

"Since when did Charli and Nessa have a problem?" Vinnie questions. I shrug my shoulders, as Mila replied: "Since never."

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