Children of Arkham: Two of a Kind

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The Stacked Deck; 6:26 pm:

After leaving the Skyline Club, Bruce went back to the cave while Alex changes into some casual clothing before driving on his bike to the Stacked Deck to go save Selina from Cobblepot's goons.

Alex: (Text) I need to talk to you. Urgently.

Selina: (Text) Stacked Deck. 6pm. No capes.

He walks into the bar and some people see him walk in, wondering why he would be there? He walks around before stopping at the bar and sees the news.

Reporter: A new twist in the race for the mayor's office, as Harvey Dent backers Bruce and Alex Wayne come under fire for alleged corruption. Joining me live is Mayor Hamilton Hill. Mr. Mayor, you said earlier today that in light of the allegations against them, Bruce and Alex Wayne should distance themselves from Dent, but that was unlikely to happen. Why?

Hill: They strike me as the jealous sort. Very possessive of their toys.

Alex: (Thoughts) Better keep a low profile.

Bartender: (Gets his attention) You lost? 'Cuz I don't have time for tourists. Looks like you walked into the wrong bar.

Alex: I'm actually here looking for a woman.

Bartender: (Scoffs) You wouldn't be the first.

Alex: Her name is Selina Kyle. I'm told she practically lives here.

Bartender: Selina, huh? You don't strike me as her type.

Alex: Well, you'd be surprised.

He turns around as someone else gets his attention.

Guy: Hey, don't I know you? It is you. Knew it. The cops take all you and your brother's fancy clothes? Or you trying to lay low? Course, you're not really the low-lying type...

Alex: Nice to meet you...

Frank: Frank. Yeah — funny seeing you here. So much in the papers. Whole other thing meeting the man in real life! You're shorter than I thought you would be.

Before Alex could say anything, a familiar voice interrupts their conversation.

Selina: Leave him alone, Frank. Man's just trying to have a quiet drink.

Frank: He didn't seem to mind the company. But, whatever.

Frank walks away and Alex and Selina lean near the bar.

Alex: Selina, I need to tell you something important.

Selina: Better be an apology. You and your brother were supposed to take care of our... mutual problem. Instead the both of you just pissed him off.

Alex: I know and I'm sorry. That's why I'm here, you're in danger.

Selina: I've had rats on my tail all day.

Alex: The man who hired you, his name is Oswald Copplepot.

Selina: Never heard of him.

Alex: He also goes by "Penguin".

Selina: (Eyes widen) Penguin?! Shit. (Sighs) You've gotta be kidding me.

The two of them move to a booth.

Selina: You should have just killed me on that rooftop. I'm dead anyway. When you screw someone over, you really screw them. The Penguin.

Alex: It's not really our fault you're involved, Selina. But, we can get you out of it. Tell me what you know about Penguin.

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