Realm of Shadows: World's greatest Detectives

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Wayne Manor:

As the 2 brothers enter their home, they see police officers raiding the place.

Bruce: Hey, hey, careful!

Alex: (Towards officer that walks past him) Put it back!

Gordon: I'm afraid we can't, Mr. and Mr. Wayne.

Bruce: (Crosses his arms) Says who?

Gordon: (Walks down the stairs and presents a warrant to the brothers) This warrant. It's not personal.

Alex: (Takes warrant) We understand. You're just doing your job, Lieutenant.

Gordon: Tryin' to. It's hard to be a cop in this city. Every battle's uphill, in the rain, with skates on.

Bruce: (Sees Alfred upstairs) Alfred, keep an eye on them. Make sure they only take what they have to.

Alfred: Of course, sir. (Walks away)

Bruce and Alex walk away with Gordon following them.

Gordon: I meant what I said about, "not personal". We only want files to Wayne Enterprises. (They walk into the parlor to see more officers in there) The warrant covers your place, pardon me, places of residence. And any companies the both of you own. Your holdings are...extensive.

Alex: And what exactly to you intend to find?

Gordon: That's for our analysts back at the precinct to figure out. I can't comment. It's a valid warrant, I gotta serve it. Mayor Hill signed off on this himself. As long as he's mayor, he calls the shots.

Alex: Well, Hill has a history of making his opposition...disappear.

Gordon: Rumors and Allegations, Mr. Wayne. That's all. But if they become fact, I'll handcuff him myself same as any other crook. I dunno how your necks needed up on Mayor Hill's chopping block, but here we are.

Bruce: Hill knows if the both of us go down, Harvey's campaign goes down too.

Gordon: That'd be a real shame. Mr. Dent's the only D.A. I ever trusted to make a conviction stick. As mayor, I think he can finally turn things around for us. For all our sakes, I pray the both of you have nothing to hide.

As he walks away and leaves the mansion, Bruce and Alex's eyes widen as they hear some glass break. They turn around to see a police officer had knocked down a picture frame before walking away from them. They walk over to it as Alex kneels down and picks up the frame to show a picture of him as a baby in Martha's arms and Bruce as a young child held up in Thomas' arms.

Thomas: (Memory) Bruce, Alex, stay back!

Bruce puts his hand on Alex's shoulder as they remember that fateful night.

Martha: (Memory) Take whatever you want!

Thomas: (Memory) don't have to do this!

Bang! Bang!

The brothers close their eyes at the moment. Four tickets with blood on one of the corners fall to the ground next to a pool of blood.

Martha: (Faint) Bruce? Alex?

A voice brings them back as they open their eyes.

???: Bruce? Alex?

They turn around to see Vicki standing behind them.

Vicki: I...I didn't mean to interrupt, but...

Alex: (Stands up) It's not a problem, really.

Vicki: (Sighs) Bruce, Alex, first the mayor's office, now Wayne manor... (Alex puts the picture frame back on the counter) Gotham continues its streak of break-ins.

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