Realm of Shadows: Meet the Press

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Next day; Batcave:

Alex is in the Batcave sitting at the Batcomputer and he turns on the news.

Ryder: Another brutal week in Gotham, folks. A string of home invasions rippled through the city's already crime-infested East End.

He looks at the tickets from when his and Bruce's parents were murdered. It also has their blood on a corner on both of the tickets. He picks them up and puts them in the small container that is sitting there and closes it before looking at it sadly.

Ryder: And we have breaking news tonight. (Alex looks back at the Batcomputer to see the news) Five criminals are in custody this evening after a break in at City Hall. (Shows Nightwing going up against Catwoman) One of the notorious vigilantes, known as Nightwing, was on the scene but failed to secure the stolen items.

Alex: Not all of them.

He hears footsteps behind him and as he turns around he sees Bruce.

Alex: Morning, Bruce.

Bruce: (Yawns) Morning, Alex. What do we have from yesterday's break in?

Alex: (Shows stolen item) This is what we got... and when when we do this... (he plugs it into the Batcomputer's decoder) We'll find out what's in the drive after the Batcomputer decrypts it.

Bruce: What are we looking at?

Alex: Hold on, I'm going to try something else. (He types and pulls up a holographic map of Gotham) Check the map of there's anything out of the ordinary.

Bruce walks away from the chair and checks the map.

Bruce: The Eastside Shoreline...

Alex: That could mean many things though.

Bruce: (Nods) Money, weapons, drugs... everything flows through that port.

Alex: Maybe it's where Mayor Hill picks up his dry cleaning.

Bruce: I can't make sense of it yet, but there's still plenty of files to decrypt. (Looks at Alex) Al told me about your run-in with a cat woman last night.

He swipes the map away.

Alex: Yeah, we've never seen her around before. But she puts up a good fight. (He pulls up a picture of her that was caught when she was fleeing) Let's just hope she's a tourist. I'll check the codex and see what we got on her so far.

He pulls the codex up on the Batcomputer and they read the following information.


CRIMES - Mayor's Office Break-in, Burglary, Petty Larceny

New criminal on the scene, tied to several recent break-ins. She's effective and doesn't leave many clues behind. Currently, the GCPD has no leads.

Bruce: Not much to find. A few burglaries, break-ins... seems to lay pretty low.

Alex: Hey, maybe you could learn a thing or 2 from her.

He nudges Bruce and Bruce responds by shaking his head as he smiles.

Bruce: We both could.

Alex: Not really. Ironically, you're all flashy and stuff while I manage to stay low and get to the point.

Bruce: I got to go.

Alex: Why?

Bruce: Alfred found one Harvey's cards telling me to go to the park at 6 am. It was from Oz.

Alex: Cobblepot? It's been what, 20 years since we last saw him?

He pulls up a picture of Bruce and Oz when they were kids.

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