Children of Arkham: The Children

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GCPD; 8:56 am:

Alex, Bruce, and Harvey walk through the halls of the GCPD precinct to go and talk to Falcone.

Harvey: Getting the both of you in to see Falcone like this — I don't have to tell you both how many rules we're breaking. Don't get me wrong, I'm always here for the both of you. But this could land the 3 of us in hot water. I pulled all the strings I had with the lieutenant. This better not come back to bite us.

Alex: Look, we get it, Harvey, okay? It means a lot to us.

Harvey: I know it does. Doesn't make it any easier. The last time we brushed shoulders with Falcone, the press made us pay. (Steps in front of Bruce and Alex and stops them) At least tell me what this is about. Look, I'm all for blind support. But I should at least know what I'm getting myself into.

Bruce: We're not sure, but... me and Alex think Falcone put a hit on our parents.

Harvey: (Eyes widen in shock) Wait, what?! Bruce, Alex, that's... that's terrible.

Alex: That's why we have to speak with Falcone, so we could be sure.

Harvey: Guys, I appreciate you opening up to me, but... just try and keep it cool in there. I don't want any headlines taking away from my debate with Hill.

???: Gentlemen.

The 3 of them turn to see Gordon approaching them.

Gordon: (Shakes each of their hands) We finally put Falcone in his cage. Thanks to the information you gave me, Alex, he won't ever get out.

Harvey: Oh, I'm sorry — information? What information.

Gordon: Oh, I assumed you knew. I was going to contact your office first thing

Alex: Me and Bruce found some evidence against Falcone and then I gave it to Gordon.

Gordon: More like a catalog of his entire criminal empire. It's a case that'll put Falcone away for life.

Harvey: Is that a fact.

Gordon: It's the reason I said yes to this... unorthodox request.

They then bump into Montoya.

Montoya: (To Gordon) Nice job bringing in Falcone. That son of a bitch better not get off again...

Gordon: He's not getting off the hook, Renee. Not this time.

Montoya: (To Bruce and Alex) Bruce and Alex Wayne? Sergeant Renee Montoya. I just wanted to say, some of us police support you both. Despite what the media is saying.

Bruce: Thanks, Sergeant.

She smiles before Bruce and Alex nod at her and she nods back before leaving. Bruce and Alex then catch up with Gordon and Harvey.

Gordon: We're keeping Falcone in the infirmary. He's lucky he didn't get roughed up more. I could tell Batman and Nightwing wanted to kill him, but they held back. They care about doing the right thing.

Alex: Well, whoever they are behind the masks, I'd say Gotham is lucky to have them.

Bruce: I agree, it's nice to know there's someone watching over the city of Gotham.

Harvey: Got that right.

They turn around the corner and see 2 officers guarding the infirmary.

Gordon: Alright. Falcone's inside. Say what you gotta say. We'll be out here.

Bruce and Alex share a look before taking a deep breath and walk into the infirmary. They close the door behind them before walking over to the bed where Falcone lies asleep. He then starts to wake up and looks around his surroundings.

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