Realm of Shadows: The One that Got Away

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After getting back to the Batcave, Nightwing walks to his seat at the Batcomputer and takes off his mask.

Alex: (Thoughts) Damn officer...does he even have ears?

Alfred: Welcome back, Alex.

Alex spins around in his chair and sees him walk in with a tray of medical supplies.

Alex: Evening, Alfred. (Groans in pain as Alfred works on the wound) How long will it take?

Alfred: It won't take long, Alex. (Alex groans in pain as he takes out the bullet. Alfred starts bandaging Alex's torso.) I brought your evening clothes for the night, Alex. Take your time.

Alex: Thanks.

He slowly changes into the clothes and shrugs them on as the pain on his side continues to hurt. He sees 2 painkillers and a glass of water. He quickly takes the pills and gulps them down. He then walks to the elevator and goes up.

A few minutes later:

Alex walks around the main hall and exchanges greeting to people who greeted him. Then, he sees Bruce and Harvey having a discussion and he walks towards them as he slowly hears their conversation.

Harvey:...Now all need is a decent slogan. I'm terrible at those. It always makes me sound like a used car salesman.

Alex: How about "A new face for Gotham"?

The 2 of them look at Alex.

Harvey: Alex! What held you up?

Alex: I was doing some errands for Bruce.

Harvey: (Shakes his head) Really, Bruce? Again? (Looks at Bruce)

Bruce: Alex was okay with it, so I let him. (Takes a sip of his champagne)

Harvey: But as I was saying, we can start with a few hands...hmmm? Come on. I'm going to take Bruce on a little meet and greet with some people here, Alex.

Bruce and Alex both follow Harvey and as they were walking Bruce sees someone who looked familiar.

Bruce: Oz?

Harvey: Wayne brothers, I'd like to introduce you-

Bruce: Bob and Regina Zellerbach. Of course we knew.

Bruce and Alex give handshakes to the Zellerbachs.

Regina: Hello, Bruce and Alex!

Alex: Regina is the chairwoman of Wayne Enterprises and her husband-

Bob: Voted for Mayor Hill last time. I'll admit it, Mr. and Mr. Wayne, I don't know Mr. Dent from a pothole on Main St, but I trust your family. If you believe in Dent, we believe in you. After all, whoever you support is a reflection on you.

Regina: And we trust someone like you to lead this city to greatness.

Bruce: I speak for my brother and I when I say we're flattered, truly, but this night is about getting Harvey Dent elected so he can fix those potholes.

Bob: Humph! I think I speak for half the room when I say politicians are puppets.

Harvey: Come on now, Bob. I'm not a politician... I'm a crusader. Hm, no strings attached.

Regina: Old families like ours should flock together, you know. Like birds.

Bob: You're preaching, dear.

Harvey: No it's true; the Waynes and Zellerbachs are reminders of the golden age of Gotham.

Bob: This city's luster faded years ago, Mr. Dent. Look at Gotham now. Murder in the streets, corruption in City Hall, and that caped duo dealing out vigilante justice like it's the wild goddamn west!

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