Children of Arkham: The Incumbent

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City Hall; 7:03 pm:

Bruce and Alex enter the building and as they walk up to Hill's office, they see the elevator with yellow tape blocking it off along with a broken cubicle from the night Alex first encountered Catwoman. Before they could reach the office, Hill's assistant stops them.

Assistant: Sorry, the Mayor's busy. Do either of you have an appointment? The Mayor's doing debate prep. He really can't be disturbed right now.

Bruce: (Walks up to her) Aw, I was really hoping you'd be able to help us out. Who knows, maybe I could repay the favor one day...

She smiles at Bruce before looking back at her computer.

Assistant: It seems you do have an appointment, Mr. Wayne... silly me.

He smiles back at her before walking back to Alex, and the two of them enter Hill's office and see him standing in front of his mirror fixing his tie.

Hill: Bruce and Alex Wayne? Finally, you two have come to see me. Of course, only after your names' been dragged through the mud. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see you both. But you're a day late and a great many dollars short.

Alex: We can be friends, Hill. Me and my brother would like all of us to put aside our differences.

Hill: It's easy to ask for peace when you've already lost the war. (Turns to them) But I won't be the one to deny a fresh start. (Walks to his chair) Your father and I, we took this city and made it ours. Falcone too, rest his soul. We built everything we have. You were born with it. Young men like you wouldn't understand what it takes to rise to the top.

Alex: (Walks in front of his desk) Oh, we understand. Very well.

He puts his phone down and turns on the recording of Hill.

Hill: (Recording) I gave you everything I have on Wayne. I've held up my end of the bargain and I expect you to do the same!

Hill: Sounds like me. (Stands up from his chair and walks away from his desk)

Bruce: It is you.

Hill opens the doors to the patio and walks outside.

Hill: So? What's your point? I take it you both have one. Or are you both just fond of my dulcet tones?

Bruce: Look, we're here as friends. This (gestures to recording) can disappear.

Hill: Or let me guess — there's a fee.

Alex: The fee is full disclosure on your partners.

Hill: Partners?! I want nothing to do with them! I'm in Cobblepot's crosshairs, same as the both of you-

Bruce: But you fed them dirt on us!

Hill: Only the files I seized from Wayne Manor. Your fathers Falcone, and I... we had ways of getting anything we wanted. How do you think your family got the land for Wayne Tower? Cobblepot wants retribution because we took his family's land. Oswald's family signed it over to us. Along with the rest of their assets.

Alex: Look, even if that were true — it's no excuse for Cobblepot's crimes.

Hill: I quite agree. It doesn't hurt to understand your enemy's motives. There's so much more I can share... if only we were friends. I could help you both deal with Penguin. Let you in on family history. But I'm caught in a dogfight for my political career — (turns to a billboard of Harvey across the street) and my rival has bottomless pockets. Now, if that rival were to, say, drop out. Or his advertising spend were go dry up... I might have a lot more resources for helping out a couple new friends.

Alex: (Clenches his fists) Fine, if that's what it would take to earn your friendship.

Bruce: I agree.

Hill: I knew the both of you would see the light. It's time we really talked. (Walks back inside) Power is an old oak — the trunk stands strong, but it's the roots that hold it up. And the thickest of them lead to Arkham.

Bruce: Arkham Asylum?

Hill: (Sits down in one of the chairs) Your father, me, Falcone, we used it to get our enemies out of the way; drugged and declared them insane. (Bruce and Alex sit down in chairs next to him) It made it easy to take their things. Thomas was the doctor. I leveraged my political power to ease the transfer of assets.

Alex: That must be what Oz wants to punish us for.

Hill: His mother was one of our last "patients". You can hardly expect him to think rationally. Gotham was chaos before we took over. At least now, there's a semblance of order. Listen Bruce, Alex — now that we're back on the same side... your father's last gift to me. (Takes off his cuff links) They're yours. The keys to the city.

Alex: Thank you... (He takes them from Hill's hand)

Hill: Hamilton. Call me Hamilton. (Stands up) Penguin's gathered quite a few victims to his crusade. (Walks to the doors to the lobby with Bruce and Alex following) But that's a problem for another day. (Opens the doors) Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prep for the debate. My door is always open you two. Next time make an appointment.

Bruce: Well, good luck tonight.

Hill: I don't need luck. I hit hard enough to win without it.

The brothers walk out of his office as Hill closes the doors behind them. As they walk away, they grab the comm links from their pockets and put them in their ears.

Alex: Alfred, get a warning to Gordon; tell him to increase security at the debate.

Bruce: Hill seems to think he's safe, but Penguin's still out there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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