•Chapter 1 [rivalry]•

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^3rd person p.o.v^

Keith was sitting on the couch watching a movie, suddenly he got a message from his best friend cherry.

(small note girlfriend/cherry is Keith's best friend in this story)

(C is cherry, k is Keith)
Text messages

|1:26|Hey Keith!! :C

K: hey whats up?

|1:26|Haha, I'm good!! :C

K: nice.
So, what?

Oh right almost frgt... :C
|1:28|Ready for tomorrow's performance?

K: yeah I guess, I'm a bit nervous tho, like, what if I mess up??

  |1:30|It's ok, you got it kei!! :C

K: thanks cherry, I don't know what I'd do without u and the others!!

End of massages

Sigh... I'm still not sure if I'm ready for a live performance, I'm a not so famous musician, this counts as my second year being that, but I'm still scared as ever, I've published songs online, but I've never done a live performance or anything like that before, so I have a bit of stage fright.

It's been like this ever since I was young, I still remember it like it was  yesterday.

Flashback time

I was standing behind the curtains of the stage wearing a knight costume for the play, I was one of the main characters in the play "c'mon guys line up, the play is about to start!!" I heard the teacher say, I look outside the curtain a bit, I saw a lot of people, and started getting a bit nervous "and here comes to my aid, my knight in shining armor!" I heard the girl dressed up as a princess say,
the teacher pushed me onto the stage because I wouldn't move, I was too nervous, I started saying some of my lines, but as soon as looked to the audience I froze, I just saw a sea of eyes staring at me, I got too scared and ran into the room beside the stage, I heard the teacher come after me yelling, and the curtains closed but opened soon after and the play continued with another person, because they couldn't have the play be ruined because of me, I was crying in the room curled up in a ball, I heard the teacher come in "are you ok Keith?"
"no miss jasmine, I'm sorry I ruined the play, I got too scared!!" I said sobbing "shh, it's ok to get scared, it happens to the best of us, y'know? I get scared too" mrs jasmine said as she sat down beside me "r-really?" "mhm, all people get scared, some of them are just good at hiding it, listen Keith, just because you got scared it doesn't mean you are weak, it means you're brave, it would be considered weakness if you didn't get scared, so next time you get scared just say it, ok?"
"*sniff* okay!!" I said drying my tears and getting up, she held my hand and led me outside to the others, later that week people started bullying me and calling me names because I got stage fright, but still in all of that, I made some friends and I'm still friends with them to this day.

End of flashback

I sigh again as I lower my body more into the couch, I felt tired and depressed, it was 2 pm right now and I have nothing else to do, I decided to go to one of my rival's concert to get my head straight and study his strategy, after all I'm still new.


I forgot how loud people can be sometimes, I walked in and instantly got hit by the smell of sweaty teens and drunk underage kids, I stood in the front, I admit I'm short, but I'm still tall enough to not be called a child, I heard screams and shouts (of excitement) get louder as my rival Pico got onto the stage, ugh I still don't understand how a person with a real gun that could kill you in one shot can be so popular, HE MUMBLES SOME OF THE LYRICS DAMNIT!! ugh.

He started rapping, and a wave of girls just jumped out of fricking NOWHERE, all of the crowd started rapping along with Pico, I just stood there studying what he was doing, singing with the crowd, giving high fives to everyone in the left side of the front row, the way he's moving his body, the concert soon finished, it was 5 pm now, I left and went home.


I was watching a random show on the TV when suddenly I heard the door knocking, I got up and went to check who it was, it was cherry.

"hey kei!!" cherry exclaimed "heh, hey cherry" I said locking the door after her and leading her to the couch "where's your dad?" "he's out" "phew, ok" "y-yeah" "before we start talking, can you please make me something to eat?"cherry said smiling, I sigh smiling while shaking my head "ok fine, what do you want?" "my favorite!!" I go to the kitchen and start preparing the ingredients, after a few minutes I go to the dining table and put the food on it, I then tell cherry the food is done, we finish eating and take the dishes to the sink and then wash them, we then head to the living room and sit on the couch "ok so, what's up?" I ask "oh right, I wanted to tell you good luck!!" she says smiling, I look at her annoyed "seriously? Couldn't you text me that?" cherry then laughed "but if I did that, it wouldn't work!!" I sigh, she looks at her phone and stands up "heh, sorry for crashing, but I have to go it's getting late" "ok, see ya later!!" I say and then lock the door.
I went to my bedroom and flopped on the bed and went to sleep.


Hey my dudes, dudettes and those who qualify as neither!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I wanted to make a boyfriend x pico fanfic for so long, but every time I think about it I manage to convince my self not to, but I thought since I have the time and motivation, I'd do it.
So, here it is!!
Last thing I want to say is, have a nice day!!

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