•Chapter 5 [roommates]•

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(small note, this is after they went to pico's house)

#keith's p.o.v#

I walked inside the smell of beer and alcohol started burning my nose hairs, it was messy but it was a pretty nice house overall.
"what?" "nothing, but I need to clean this place" "you can just leave it as is" I shake my head "even if I'm living here momentarily, I need to repay you with doing something nice" Pico sighs "whatever, the guest room is over there" he points to the room next to the kitchen 'Das some weird layout but sure' I thought.

I went into the guest room and looked around, it was pretty spacious to be honest, I went over to the bed and layed down, it was soft 'I like it'

It was around 6 in the morning, I got up and went on an adventure looking for the bathroom until I finally found it, after finishing I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself and Mr. Grumpy pants, after putting the food on the table I heard someone approach the kitchen, it was Pico.

#pico's p.o.v#

I woke up to the sound of shit happening in the kitchen, and went to see what was happening that woke me up.
When I got to the kitchen I saw that blue dickwad making something "hey blue balls!! the fuck you making" "umm... Breakfast?" "oh" I go to the counter and start up the coffee machine.

#keith's p.o.v#

I was a bit surprised at pico's reaction, and really... Blue balls? couldn't he have come up with a more creative insult? It's like he pulled it out of his ass, I put the food on the table 'here you go, bon apetit'

After finishing the food

"aight, I'm heading out to work, want anything?" "nah, have a good day" "later" and then Pico closes the door, I was bored and had no school or work today, so I decided to watch some movies on tv, the jurassic land and joomanji movies my favorite.

5 hours later

I heard the door open and saw Pico, he got in and locked the door, he threw his bag on the floor and sat beside me with a sigh, he looked tired as fuck, I look at him and for a moment and then look back at the screen "so... How was work?"
"wanna talk about it?"
he sighs.
"the business is going fine, but it's my coworkers and my dad who are pissing me off, I fucking hate him.
he said "pICo, OnE DAy, You'LL tAkE OVeR ThE BuSIneSs" no matter how many times I told him, he doesn't get it, I don't want to work at his company, I want to be a musician, but goddamn is a hard headed and persistent fuck, I would leave or shoot him but that's not possible, the first reason is him and the second is illegal, some of my coworkers are really nice and the others are just plain ol' dog shit.


they prank me a lot and try to make me fail at everything I do just because they want to assert their dominance, but if I wasn't strong and hadn't studied a bit of law back in college, I wouldn't have been able to kick their asses, now they won't bother me, but those fucks have now started to spread rumors and talk shit about me behind my back, whenever I tell my dad about it, they act like angles and then my dad gets mad at ME, I've gotten in to so much trouble because of them that my dad talks about them like they're saints, he tells me on a daily basis how I should work hard like them, even I know that they make the other nice workers do their work for them, ugh it's like high school all over again, literally everyone knows what they do and what they are, I know that they're asshats that's for a fact, poor good people, there is so little of them these days 'welcome to my slice of heaven!' more like hell"

I look at Pico he's been venting to me for about half an hour "dude are you ok?" "well I'm better now, it feels good to have it off my chest" "dude I feel you, work is hard, sometimes I wish that more good people existed" "i know, right?!" I sigh and continue watching the movie, Pico goes to change and comes back a bit later, the movie finishes and comes and sits back on the couch, he chooses sawh, he seems like the type to like bloodshed which isn't really surprising, we started watching the movie.

Hey my dudes, dudettes and those who qualify as neither!!
How'd you like the chapter?
I know it took a bit long, but I was having a hard time with a writers block, but it's out now, It's short, woops.
Goodbye and don't forget to create havoc.

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