•Chapter 7 [drinks And Parties]•

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#keith's p.o.v#

Me and pico met with pico's friends at some night club, I've seen his friends before, they play with him in the band, the girl plays the drums while the other guy plays the keyboard, apparently the girl's name is nene and the guy's name is Darnell.

We walked inside, i couldn't tell if i was supposed to be shocked, scared or not fazed by anything that was happening right now.

There were some people who were half naked dancing and grinding on each other on the dance floor, drunk guys flirting with girls and lastly people throwing up in some corner.

A word slipped out of my mouth "ew"

Pico's friends were already at the bar downing some shots while talking to other people, pico looked at me amused "what, never seen people being 'dirty' before?" he said smirking, i turn my head to his direction while still keeping my eyes on the dance floor, disgust never leaving my face once.

"considering i used to live with a cheating and gambling addicted father, 'dirty' never stopped in our household"

Pico sighed "'kay drama queen, let's go get some drinks"


Two hours passed and pico was now drunk.

I spoke putting my glass on the table "you drank 15 cups of taquilla, that's enough, you'll throw-up your Intestines if you continue"
"tHaT's gREaT, i'lL bE DoNe WiTH thIs hoRribLe LiFE" pico said already half asleep, i exhale and get up from my seat, i go over to pico and pick him up and walk outside the club, i already told nene and Darnell about it and they said that this happens all the time, they gave me their numbers and told me to call them if anything happens.


After we got to the house, pico went to the kitchen, i locked the entrance door and went to check on pico, he was opening cupboards and i didn't want to deal with that right now so i just pulled him away from them,

"but I'm hungry"

"i can make you some soup instead of you just rummaging through the cupboards"


He stopped mid-sentence and ran to the bathroom, after a bit i went to go check on him.
He was throwing-up hard, coughing sometimes, so i got him water and some painkillers.

"how are you doing?"

"awful, but i can take it"

"well, I'll be in the living room if you need anything!!" i said leaving the bathroom and heading to the living room, i just flopped onto the couch and opened the tv to watch some netfliks., My mind still flooded with what happened earlier in the kitchen.

I saw pico come in the living room and lay on top of me on the couch, i was too tired to fight with him or be flustered about it so I just let it happen, i was still a bit flustered though,i soon then fell asleep.

#pico's p.o.v#

I woke up with a splitting headache
'i went overboard didn't i?'
When i woke i felt something under me, i got up and looked to see what it was, it was the blueberry midget and he was sleeping soundly, he was kinda cute, i didn't wanna wake him up so i just left him to sleep.

I figured I'd get ready for work and talk to him after I get back, maybe I did something dumb while I was drunk, i should ask him about it later.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm done.

Ooohh so embarrassing, I'm sure you're all excited to see what happens, so to make up for my lateness I'll update sooner this week.

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