•Chapter 4 [meeting Him Pt 2]•

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#keith's p.o.v#

I was getting ready for college, I only had to make food for dad and then get out.
First classes are the worst, I always feel like I'm going to fall asleep, what's worse is that I had to work 4 jobs, i might need to make it 5.
Nice, next is music, while I was going out some guys shoved me to the floor "*laugh* fucking pussy"
I'm so done with this "listen here you skinny fuck, I don't have TIME to deal with your bullshit, it's enough I'm already working 4 jobs, getting a 5th one soon and have an abusive father at home, so why don't you go run off to your little castle and leave me the FUCK alone" the dudes mumbled something and walked away 'damn, that felt nice' but good thing today we can leave early.

When I got home I saw dad's stuff on the floor, I sighed picking them up and putting them on the couch, I was walking to my bedroom, the door was open, it didn't hit me until I realized that my money wasn't very well hidden, I ran into the room and everything was opened including the money drawer, I hoped to God that dad didn't take the money, I ran to the drawer, my face turned pale, the money was gone, it took me 6 years to get all that money, and all of it was gone, just...gone, I slid down to the floor and and sat there stunned, after what seemed to be an hour I got up and decided to leave this house, I quickly got my suitcase and a travel bag and started packing it with everything I needed and things that were important to me, I remembered that I had some money left inside the stuffing in my pillow and quietly got it, 2k, that might be enough until I get another job, I took everything to the living room and waited for dad.

2 hours later

Dad opened the door slowly thinking I was still in school, after he got in and closed the door I said "I'm leaving" which made dad turn quickly to my direction "what do you mean you're L-leaving" "that means I'm leaving, I'm not staying anymore after you stole my money" I said go to the door "n-no you don't understand, I had to get the money or I would have been killed, y-you can't leave that's an ord-" "shut the fuck up, DAVID, DON'T DRAG ME DOWN WITH YOU, ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS GET RID OF THAT GAMBLING PROBLEM, EVEN MOM TOLD YOU TO STOP, BUT YET HERE WE ARE, YOU ABUSE ME, DESTROY ME MENTALLY AND STEAL MY MONEY, AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO STAY?! HAHAHA HAHA, WHAT A FUCKING JOKE" I say storming off outside giving him the middle finger as I'm leaving.
I found myself a cheap hotel room to live in for time being while I get the money to finally be able to get myself a house, I put everything in my room and then went outside.

I was walking in a park just collecting my thoughts, until I saw a person with ginger hair(pico) sitting on a bench in front of me, I was about to walk away until "hey blue hair kid, come here and sit the fuck down" I wasn't in the mood to argue with him so I just went to sit down beside him "so what's got you so moody on this beautiful Saturday" he said sarcastically as if he also had a bad day "nothing" "tell me" "why would I want to tell you anything?"
"well your for starters your eyes are puffy and you look like shit, so I figured you needed someone to talk to" "*sigh* whatever, you're gunna keep pestering me about it anyway, so might as well" "finally" I ended up telling him the whole story "wow, your dad's a bitch, that's for sure" "dang Sherlock, you cracked the case!!" I said sarcastically "oh fuck off blueberry" Pico said looking pissed off "why are you different from when you're doing a concert and your normal life" I said kinda curious since he doesn't act like this in front of his fans "*sigh* if someone you really admire told you to fucking leave them alone, how would you feel?"
"like shit?" "exactly"
We were talking for a while about some stuff about each other, I learned that Pico was 23 which was pretty surprising.
"aight, its pretty late I need to go home, you wanna come"
"wait you for real? Why?"
"didn't you say you didn't have a house? I'm letting you stay with me until you can get your own place"
"shit bitch, to think you were an asshole, turns you're a softie"
"shut the fuck up midget before I change my mind"
"woah dude, ok ok I'm comin"

Hey my dudes, dudettes and those who qualify as neither...
I just wanted to say that a family member passed away.
Anyway thanks for reading...

*°×... just breathe ...×°*  ¦¦ keith/bf × pico ¦¦Where stories live. Discover now