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Y/N pov

The boys were practising hard. So me, ya-chan and kiyoko decided to treat them. "Melons?" Kiyoko asked to the boys who were on a break. Followed by me and Ya-chan. The boys smiled. "MELONS!!YES!! NOTHING IS BETTER THAN A SWEET MELON IN SUMMER!!" Hinata, noya and tanaka danced. "N/N suga's outside can you go give him this melon?" Kiyoko said smilingly, holding two melons in a plate.  One for me. One for suga. "Arigato senpai" I whispered to her. She smiles back. "KIYOKO SMILED-!" Noya exclaimed.  "YOU! STAY WITH HER! SO WE CAN SEE HER SMILEEE!!" tanaka pointed at me. I rolled my eyes and walked."ne ne melonsss" I sang. He was filling up his bottle. He smiled when he said me. "Sit" I said pointing the sit beside me. We were outside the gym, siting on the stairs towards the gym. He obeyed. "Its REALLY GOOD here, eat" I said giving him the plate and melon. I was eating one. Suddenly I was yanked by my chin.  I felt soft thing on my lips and mouth,a thing taking the melon I had on my  mouth away .



What just happened??!!

Did he really?!-

My whole face turned red. "Yes it tastes good" he said smiling at me.
"I-um-uh" I stuttered trying to hide my face. "YOU CAN'T JUST DO IT BAKAWARA!"I yelled, flustered.
He chuckled. "Of course I can. And I know you liked it" he said. "s-shut up!" I exclaimed looking away. Focusing on my melon. This is a nice melon. Its red. I could feel suga's gaze on me. Yeah. Its red. The red color is nice. The floor also looks so much pretty. I thought trying to hide my blush. "Aww you are just too adorable" he sad hugging me, nuzzling in my neck. My fuse broke.

"Y/N-chan?" He asked.


"Oi are you oka-oh gome, I broke your fuse" he apologized. "Ieie" I said all red. He was blushing now too.

"Its just we are always so busy. I don't get time to be with you" he complained. "But you are with my every minute" I said trying to find the logic. "I meant alone. So I can do this" he said kissing me. I gladly returned it back. After a while, I broke the kiss.
"Why did u break it" he whined trying to get more kiss. "Because we have to go before my brother gets suspicious" I said dragging him by his hand.

//Time skip//

Suga was tutoring me. He asked me if we can schedule it at his house.daichi being the overprotective brother, told suga that it will only happen is Daichi himself is present with us and also since he is free now, he was just "hanging out" with us, pretending to read a magazine. I bet he did that to keep a watch. "I am thirsty. I will get juice for us" daichi declared. "I want orange juice. Cold" I said. "Hai hai imoto" he said. As soon as he left I turned towards suga. "Do you think he knows??" I asked. He shrugged. "still its suspicious. He is onto us. We need to be more careful" I said. He nodded.

"I bought" daichi said, stumbling on my english book and falling down, spilling the juice on me. "ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND ONI-SAN??!!" I yelled. "Gome" he said. "SHUT UP!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!! NOW I AM. SO STICKY! EW!! GO AWAY" I said. Daichi kneeled, begging for forgiveness. I looked towards suga blushing, I shrugged it off. "forgive me Y/N please forgive me" daichi said. "No you are not meant to be forgi-" I was saying but was interuppted by suga. "Ano-" he said. "What?" I said annoyed. "Um-your-uh" he continued, holding his nose, he was red. I looked where he pointed. Shit. My white school shirt was wet. "SHUT UP PERVERT!" I said hiding my chest. "What happened N/N?" Daichi asked in a serious tone looking at suga, who was rummaging through his closet. "the-the juice fell on my shirt" I said. "SUGA HOW DARE YOU HAVE A NOSEBLEED LOOKING AT MY SISTER?!" Daichi yelled chasing after suga. Suga threw his hoodie at me and ran for his life. A scary daichi followed him.

I prayed.

God, please spare Suga.

"AHHHH Y/N-SAN HELP!!!" He yelled. "Sorry this is out of my hands" I said holding to hoodie towards me.  "Wheres the bathroom?" I asked going downstairs. "AHHH DAICHI GOMENASAI!! I WILL NEVER LOOK AT ANY GIRL AGAIN LET ALONE YOUR SISTER!! BATHROOM IS TO THE LEFT! HELP!!!PLEASE SPARE ME" suga cried. I chuckled. He is dead.
I went to the bathroom to change. 

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