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"where is he?he is late" Y/N muttered as she awaited her boyfriend near the cafe.

/////Phone notifications//////

Sorry I'll be 5 minutes late
Stay put
I am on my way
.                                                 Y/N💕
.                                        Its okay,waiting

///////Phone notifications end////////

*After 15 minutes of waiting*

"I AM SO SORRY I WAS LATE! PLEASE TAKE THIS AS AN APOLOGY!" Suga yelled extending a packet of candy.

"You are forgiven" Y/N said, taking the packet of her favourite candy.

"Let's go to the cafe now" Suga smiled, grabbing her hand.
Y/N nodded, smiling back.

"What would you like to have?" Suga said.

"Don't fill yourself here, we will go to another place after this" Suga whispered.

" I'll have a cold coffee" Y/N said.

"One cold coffee and tea please?" Suga said

"Very well, would you like some snacks to go with that mam?" The waiter asked, looking towards me.

"Um-er-no. Koushi would you like-?" Y/N asked suga.

"No" suga smiled.

"Very well" the waiter smiled at Y/N.
Y/N feeling awkward and a bit uncomfortable, awkwardly half smiled. She never ordered food. It was too much for her.

"Here you go, delicious coffee for the beautiful lady" the waiter smiled at me, putting the coffee on my table.

"Thank you, now can you leave so that my GIRLFRIEND and I can enjoy our coffee?" Suga smiled, putting a hand on Y/N's thigh.

"Right babe?" Suga asked kissing Y/N on her lips.

"Um er" a flustered Y/N stuttered because of the sudden kiss.
Suga turned his head towards where the waiter was standing, only to be met by the waiter's absence.

"Thank god he left" suga thought.

"Enjoy your coffee" suga said.
Y/N nodded, her mind wondering to the hand on her thigh.


"Why are we in a field?wait-I BET THE SUNSET IS GOING TO LOOK DAMN BEAUTIFUL FROM HERE!" Y/N excitedly exclaimed.

"Yeah, come here" Suga chuckled, taking Y/N's hand.

(After a while of walking)

"YOU DID THIS?" Y/N asked excitedly, looking at the sweet and small picnic
her boyfriend set up.

"Yes,only for you. Now sit downn" Suga smiled.

"Cupcake?" Suga asked.

"Yes thank youu" Y/N said, taking the cupcake happily.

"This cupcake tastes SO GOOD. Where did you buy it from?" Y/N asked, savouring the taste.

"I..made it. Glad you like it" suga said, rubbing his neck with his hand.

"Really?! ITS SO GOOD" Y/N exclaimed happily. She now has a resource from where she can take snacks when daichi hides her other snacks.

"Look, the sunset" suga pointed

"ITS SO PRETTY" Y/N exclaimed, turning her face towards suga, only to be met by hazel eyes.

They stared into each other's eyes, it was felt as if time dissapeared, slowly they moved their face towards the other, eventually closing the gap between them.

The kiss they shared, ignited fireworks inside Y/N. She pulled her lover closer, as Suga held her waist, as if he would lose her if he didn't held her in his arms.
The kiss was passionate, yet gentle and full of love.

Y/N slowly pulled away gasping for air, Suga pouting at the fact that they didn't kiss more.

"Stop pouting, i need to breathe. How are you not gasping for air?" She asked.

"I love you" he smiled.

"I-I love you too" Y/N muttered, pink tints dominating her face.
Suga smiled at the sight and gently kissed her again 


I am currently doing oneshots of haikyuu.
Check it out if you want to request xreaders

Daichi's sister (Sugawara x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن