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The driver went up to Noah and rolled down the windows, I looked at Noah with a smile, "Well there, your saver has arrived" I giggled out.

Noah smiles sheepishly and hopped in next to me, "Thanks Y/n I thought I was going to be late for the meeting with Ms.Crespo" he said making himself look neat.

"Oh is Mrs.Crespo coming with Mr.Crespo?"I asked him.

"Yeah the two are coming by to discuss this seasons collection, after all his sister is one of the top models here," Noah said "I'm sure you've seen Ms.Crespo everywhere, she's beautiful but that's probably because her mother was a model back when the company was starting to come out"

Ah, Nicholas's sister not his mother...good to know,

"Are you a fan of her?" I ask him.

He thought for a moment and gave his all winning smiles, "I respect her yet fear her, In all honestly we all do, she tends to run to Mr.Crespo whenever we don't give in to her" he said scratching his head.

My drive simply rolled his eyes at this and continued to drive us to work, unbothered by this I smile at Noah, "I didn't know Nick is such a wonderful older brother" I happily said.

Noah blushed and looked away to face the window, my driver once again rolled his eyes at him and responded in my mother's language [My lady Sol, it's quite obvious the young lad has a crush on you, looks annoying].

Noah looked back and tilted his head, "Um, what did he say?"

I tried to contain my giggles and responded to my driver, [Be nice ___ after all you shy up too around my mama, so you both can relate]. Of course, the driver gave a 'hmph' and continued to drive.

Noah looked lost for a moment, "I didn't know you speak another language Y/n"

I nodded and responded, "It's my mother's language actually, she rarely speaks it though..."

"How come?" Noah asked looking curious at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave a little smile "I don't know that's a story that only my mother can tell"

With that Noah and I continue to talk within the ride.

Greyson's POV

"Please let me go! I beg of you" a middle-aged man said looking up at me. How pitiful really.

"No can do Danny boy, you see my little princess is everything to me, and you a teacher tried to taint her with your perverted thoughts, I don't appreciate it that" I have grabbed a bat and whacked his legs.

He screamed with pain at the sound of bones being crushed, I enjoyed making lowlifes scream, especially those that touch Sol's flowers.

"You know...you should be grateful that I'm the one doing this...because if her grandpa found out...well you'll be lunch for Noodles," I said whacking his other leg with a racket that I found nearby.

My men looked petrified with just hearing the name Noodles. This man though just laugh, "Noodles? What's that a poodle...cough cough and here I thought Mr.Sol was a dangerous man"

His laughter annoyed me but I think this world could use one less trash in it. I grinned at him and tossed  the racket away, "Fine let's go to my parent's house to see Noodles"

The men shiver, picking up the beaten up one to a black van, I for one went into the limo, I was over with this man, he already took pictures of my wife, mother, sister...and now my darling little girl, that's utterly disgusting.

Once we arrived, we went around the back of the family home.

"Tch some house is that were Noodles is at?" The man mocked.

I grinned at that and signal my men to a nice home just a few miles away from the main estate

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I grinned at that and signal my men to a nice home just a few miles away from the main estate. "You know most when they see Noodles, they think he belongs to my father...but actually he belongs to my mother..."

He laughed "What is he a poodle?"

We reached the home and I looked at him opening the door and pushing him in a pool of water, "Nope a tiger shark actually...and just in time too, it's pretty hungry"

He thrashed around and tried to climb up but couldn't, "Your bluffing Sol! There is no way you own a shark" he continue.

"If that's true why are you panicking? I've told you once Mr.Bucketts, that you work for me, not for some pig obsessed with the Sol women especially my little princess, now as punishment your life seems to be a good price" I said looking at him, " And besides your just breakfast I'll make sure Noodles gets dinner real soon"

With a click of a button, you can see fins coming near him pulling him in deeper into the water, thrashing here and there and within minutes it stopped, one red with the water.

"Find me the man that wanted naked pictures of my daughter and bring him to me understood?"

My men nodded and went out, I stood there looking into the water, huh guess Noodles wasn't too hungry...I can still see an arm.

"You know Noodles already ate before you came darling" a soft voice spoke.

I already know who it was and no doubt is a bit mad at me. "Mother how long were you standing there?" I asked.

She laughed ever so quietly, "Long enough to know you are truly your father's son, he does exactly what you just did...always using Noodles for such torture" she walked up and pecked my cheek, placing a hand on my cheek, caressing it ever so lovingly. "My dear boy...make sure you clean the mess in Noodles's tank okay?"

I chuckled and kissed my mother's forehead "Of course [Mother]".


Noah and I came just in time for work. We even got to see the one and only Diana Crespo, sister of Nicholas Crespo. She was stunning walking by us, words couldn't describe what I felt during those brief moments. She made eye contact with us or more so at me and smiled walking towards the elevator.

"She's beautiful..." I muttered out.

"She is but from what I heard she's a bit rude hehe, but I have to go and give my proposal, thanks Y/n!" And with that Noah walks away.

Mhm, interesting...

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