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Greyson's Flashback
Mhm, how boring this is...Marrying Samatha all for the sake of image...I know mother can care less who I marry but father...he's a mystery all in his own.

"Baby, why aren't you looking at me! It's our engagement party and you haven't complemented me once!" Samatha whispered at me.

I gave a cold smiled to her and replied "Mhm I'm sorry, you look beautiful tonight" I then peaked her cheeks and walked off to greet the guest.

"Grey sweetie what's with the face my love"

I know that voice...it's sweet and kind the woman that would love me even if she found out I was a cold monster...

"Mother...it's nothing don't worry for me, you look absolutely gorgeous, I can see you even decide to have Jax and N/n dress alike" I smiled kissing my mothers temple.

She liked always caressed my face and smiled herself, "You know I love seeing you all so well dress,but you know what I love more [my love]"

I looked at her confused.

"I want you to be happy with yourself, don't do anything you don't want all for the sake of approval from your father and I" my mother said sternly. "After all kids are meant to do things we as parents wouldn't want them to do, take your father, he didn't want his princess wearing that dress because it showed to much skin"

Mother pointed my father fuming over my younger sisters lovely dress. She then walked off and that's when I saw her...

My Y/n was the first one to befriend her, and the she brought her to me.

"Big brother! Look who I met, this is Hana Rose, remember the girl I said who helped pick out my homecoming dress? This is that girl from the store!" Y/n said happily holding her arm and clingy to her "Isn't awesome! She even knows how to fight!"

I snapped out of my daze, "Oh does she? Your quite the woman then?" I said lowering my gaze to her.

Nervous she gave her sheepish smile and said "Well my dad made sure I can defend myself is all Mr.Sol"

I didn't knew at the time but I hated when she said that.

"Please call me Greyson"...even that didn't sound right

Back to the present
Y/n' POV
I was still in shock that Diana herself flirted with me. I went home and locked myself in my room and cover myself in blankets.

"Ughhh I feel like a teen all over again..."

I felt lost and didn't really know who to talk to with this. I needed to talk to somebody about this maybe I wouldn't feel like an idiot blushing like this. And I know just who to call.

20 minutes later my best friend came...

Maxine Campo, she was blunt and cold but adore messing with me

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Maxine Campo, she was blunt and cold but adore messing with me.

"Oi what's the matter Sunshine what's with the stupid look on your face, heard from ma that you have love troubles" Max said laying on my bed and looking me.

I went closer to her and hugged her, I knew she hated hugs but I needed one, " Max...do you think I'm pretty? Because no one can be that pretty to have siblings fight for them..."

She looked at me with concerned and then laughed almost to the point of falling off the bed. "Listen mamas this is the norm for you and pretty boy, people want to get fucked by hot twins it's even hotter when the twins happen to be of opposite gender"

I looked at her weird, "Max...your a twin too, don't you think it's weird your saying that?"

Max laughed and reposition herself to be close to me, "Yes without a doubt anyone who wants to bang sibling needs help" she later caressed my face and pinch my cheeks "Don't worry so much about this you dumb bitch and focus on setting a new path for yourself and maybe even for your idiot of a brother"

Max was the only girl friend that I had growing up. And ironic as it is she too had a twin brother.
I remember she was excited when she found out we had started dating back in high school. She wouldn't shut up about it.

"Oooohh you know who hasn't stopped thinking about you? Drix himself" Max said laughing to herself.

I blushed because I remember him to be very handsome and at the time he had piercings and maybe like one tattoo.

Max pulled up her phone and showed me a current picture of him.

Max pulled up her phone and showed me a current picture of him

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{Hendrix Campos}

"He still looks handsome..." I mumbled

Max smiled and patted my head "You know...since the break up he was fucked up,went to jail and ya know...did things he shouldn't have done"

I knew what Max was doing. She wanted us back together and ''fix" him.

"Max, Hendrix is a grown man he needs to grow up, what would happen if I got marry to other man?" I asked.

Max grinned "Who's to say you'll marry a man? You could marry that Crespo girl that wants to eat you out"

I looked at her and sat up, "Max! How can you say that so casually?!" I yelled.

Max sat up and looked at me, "N/n, if this was me in this situation I would fuck both and pick which one I liked the best, but your better then me and knowing you, you wouldn't want that it's...meaningless to you, you know". Max later got up and held out her hand, "Listen I'm horrible with this but don't you think it's time to have a little fun? You know be a chick in your 20s instead of a woman in her mid-life crisis"

I held her hand and laughed "Max what are you up to honey?"

She grinned.

"We are going to go and party like whores mamas so wear something nice kay~"

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"We are going to go and party like whores mamas so wear something nice kay~"

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