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Nicholas POV, 2:45 am

"Please! I didn't knew that she was your sister Mr.Crespo!"

I rubbed my temples and sighed, looking at him annoyed "Base on my sister's words you touched her, you harassed her and her friends"

The man weeping and begging for my forgiveness was on his knees all bloody from the face to his waist.

"I have kids and a wife!" The man yelled in the dark ally way

My men and I stood there looking at him, "I should finish you, a man prying on women shouldn't be allow to live" I brought my gun at him,ready to shoot but a voice stopped me.

"Crespo, I wouldn't do that if I were you" said a very well recognized voice

"Sol...what are you doing here Greyson?" I snarled at him

"Don't be so hostile Nicholas, I came to talk that is all, I have no interest on what you do to him"

I was surprised at the change in Greyson , "What change Sol? I'm taking a life...wouldn't your family disagree with it"

Greyson gave a side smirk and looked at me coldly "If someone harmed anyone I love, I would do the same"

I laughed and gave the look in return "Love? Don't be ridiculous Sol, I don't care what happens to Diana but our reputation is on the line, and if her friends where harassed in one of our clubs then rumors spread"

"So saving your skin? I thought better of you Nicholas,after all you hired my adorable sister"

I looked at him confused, change? how did I possibly changed after all this years? "Stop talking nonsense Sol!" Honestly the nerve of this guy!

Greyson laughed like a mad man, "If you don't know then how can I help, but I came here to warn you about some company coming in next month"

"Tch, why should I care? They'll leave the moment they figure out there is nothing here for them here"

Greyson sighed "You really don't know do you? They have a son around Y/N's age...my father believes it's time for Y/N to think of marriage"

I was shock, If Y/N gets engage it'll be alot harder to get close to her." And why are you telling me this?" I kept my composure, I have a feeling that imbecile knows my plan.

Greyson never let his smile fade, "Just for you to stay away from Y/N,that is all nothing else...well I should get going ta-ta Nicholas"

With that he left, leaving me with my guards and a sobbing man, "Kill him" I order my men, I left to go back home and shower.

Y/N POV 6:30AM

I woke up early this time,without the help of my family. I stretched out my legs and went to my bathroom to start the day. After my daily routine, I went downstairs and for the first time the house was oddly quite, that is until Jaxon went downstairs and sat on the sofa.

"Jax where's mother and father?"

Jaxon turned on the TV and spoke in a monotone voice "Somewhere important I guess, why?"

I shrugged my shoulders "It felt quite is all,you know how our parents are Jax"

"Yeah,come to think of it...that family that ma and pa are visiting have a set of twins"

I laughed "What a boy and girl like you and me? Jax that's quite rare even for us"

But the look he had gave it away, "Who's idea was it..." I asked, I've should've known better then to expect less from my parents

"Mama's idea,apparently their mother was best friends with mama" Jaxon nonchalantly said

"Wow...I better go, I have work...what' their last name"

Jaxon looked at me giving that mischievous smile that we all know "Harris, don't worry twin⁓ I've done the research on them"

I gave a small smiled "I figure you'll do that"

"Of course! What if they did some naughty stuff , here let me give you a ride to work tp explain"

"Okay but first lets stop by Starbucks, I need some coffee"

we headed off to the car and drove to Starbucks,while in line he shown me the company that is own by the Harris family.

"Oil? This must be some joke no?"

Jaxon shook his head "Nope they Transport Oil from different countries and send them here"

I groan "Jaxie I don't want to date a Oil man.."

"You and I both, plus to make it worse they are completely bankrupt"

Once we got our drinks Jaxon paid and was now back on the road, drinking his Coffee

"Do our parents know.." I asked drinking my coffee

Jaxon gripped the wheel "No they paid top dollar to keep this dirty secret "

"And how did you obtain this information?" 

Jaxon gave a cocky grin "I'm the best hacker out there twinie⁓"

I giggled, Mhm...I wonder does Greyson know about mama and papa's stunt 

"We're here now if— Yo Roy! what's up man?"

Apparently Roy popped up out of nowhere, "Ayy! I'm good man and you"

"Yah know dropping off the baby to work"

I punched Jaxon's shoulder "I'm not a baby! Your just  a couple hours older then me..." I pouted

I got out of the car, walking on the curbs. While the boys talked I stood there giggling at there jokes

"No way! you two dating?! if that's the case I'll date Y/N and you" Roy playfully suggested

"Ew sorry Roy but your not my type" I reply

"Haha, I still date you Roy" Jaxon playfully suggested

"Don't we make a cute couple Y/N" 

"Mhm maybe you two really do fit well together" and with that I enter the building leaving those two behind

Jaxon POV, 7:01AM

I watched my sister leave into the building,Roy just looked at me with a blank expression on his face, "When are you going to tell her about us Jax?"

I looked at him and gave a sorrowful expression "When I'm able to tell my family Roy..."

Roy understood, That's why I love him,we've dated for 6 years,I'm surprise he hasn't  left me for another.

"Oi,Whatever backlash we get...we stand together okay? I don't want you to suffer alone idiot"

I smiled at him lovingly "I know..." 

"Hey...I know your family will accept us"

I reached out for his hand "How can you be so sure...my parents want a grandchild from us"

Roy flicked my head "Idiot, we can always adopt, we can make a family"

I smiled at him "Thanks stupid"

Roy laughed "No problem idiot"


A/N:If you would like to know the backstory of how Roy and Jaxon became a couple please comment! I would love to know, Sorry for not updating sooner(>人<;)Fun fact! Roy is gay and Jaxon is Bisexual! 

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