Chapter 1 - It All Started When

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Missy's POV

"Missy behind you!" Brooke calls to me, I turn behind me just in time to avoid one of the logs of the bridge falling on me. "Wild Card trap him!" I yell to Wild Card who's on the other side of the bridge. Wild Card nods his head and creates a force field around the mystery villain.

"Missy! The ropes are breaking!" Ojo yells to me, "Um Okay. Elemental Girl any ideas?" I ask Kateline. "Shark Frenzy," She says to me. Brooke and Guppy are on the other side of the bridge so they didn't hear her telling it to me. "Guppy! Sharkgirl! Shark Frenzy!" Kateline and I both call to them at the same time.

Guppy and Brooke, both rush towards the mystery villain and Wild Card lifts the force field just in time and then puts it back down once Guppy and Brooke are inside. Brooke and Guppy manage to knock out the mystery villain in one hit. "Good job everyone," Kateline says to us. 

But now that I can rest I'll tell you the full story of how we got here. It all started one day after practice. "Well done everyone," I said to the group. "Let's head back to the classroom." Half of us had just finished training while the other half of us were in a different training room.

A Capella, Wheels, Guppy, Ojo, Noodles, and I had just finished training and we all head back to the classroom. When we arrived we found two girls standing behind Ms. Granada near the rock climbing wall. They both seemed a bit older than us, maybe around Wild Card's age or a bit older. One had black hair while the other had brown hair with magenta tips.

The others must have recognized one of them because as soon as they saw them, A Capella, Guppy, Ojo, and Noodles ran over to the one with black hair, and Wheels wheels over to the girl in his wheelchair. Granada and the girl with brown hair move to the side so the others can give the girl with black hair a hug. "Katie! You're back!" A Capella exclaimed.

"Hi!" The girl with black hair said with much excitement. She picks up Guppy and says to her "Oh my goodness you've gotten so big since the last time I saw you." "I can't believe it's been two years since you left," Wheels says, "I know, I've missed you all so much. Hopefully, I get to stay but we'll see how it goes with my mom and dad" She says.

"Where are the others? I want to surprise my brother" She says, "They're training, they should be back soon" A Capella says. Just as A Capella said that the others came into the room. As soon as the others enter, A Capella runs towards them and says "Guess who's back" She says so happily.

"Who?" Wild Card asks. Everyone moves to reveal the girl, and as soon as they do, Fast Forward and Rewind's jaws drop, Slo-Mo puts his hands to his mouth slowly, either being dramatic or he's actually in real shock, Wild Card just stands there also in shock, and face maker makes his eyes big like he did when he fooled the aliens, but this time I think it was because he was in complete shock.

"So are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to give me a hug?" The girl says. Then everyone runs towards her and hugs her. I notice Wild Card just stands there. He's not in shock anymore, but it doesn't seem like he wants to talk to her, and the girl doesn't seem to notice.

I walk up to him. "Hey, everything okay?" I ask, "Yeah I'm fine" he replies. "Who is she?" I ask him. "Kateline, also known as Elemental Girl. She's Slo-Mo's older sister" He says. She then puts Guppy down and walks over to me and Wild Card.

"Wild Card," She says in an acknowledging tone, "Kateline" Wild Card replies in the exact same tone. Then the Kateline girl turns to me, "Missy right?" She asks, "Yeah... How did you know my name" I ask, "I'm Kateline, Slo-Mo's sister. He's told me a few things. Well more like a lot" She says. Ruffling her Slo-Mo's hair. "I know, Wild Card told me," I say.

"Cool, so I think Ms, Granada had something to say, and also someone for you all to meet," Kateline says. Kateline walks back to where the other girl and Ms. Granada were standing. "Well I'm very glad that you're all excited about Kateline coming back," She says, then Wheels raises his hand.

"Yes, Wheels? Do you have a question?" She asks, "How long will Kateline be staying?" He asks, "I'm not sure, it's up to her parents," Ms. Granada says, "We'll see, maybe I'm back for good, or maybe I'm leaving soon. I'm not sure" She says. "I hope it's back for good" Noodles says, "Me too, but we'll see," Kateline says.

"Now Everyone I would like you to meet someone else as well. Everyone this is Brooke" Ms. Granada says moving aside to show the girl with Brown and pink hair. "Hi everyone," Brooke says waving to us and smiling a bit. She seems pretty Shy. "So why don't you girls introduce yourselves," Ms. Granada says to the two girls. "I know mostly everyone knows who you are, but Missy doesn't so Kateline why don't you start," She says to Kateline.

"Okay so my name is Kateline, I'm Slo-Mo's older sister and Blinding Fast's daughter. My powers are that I can control the elements, so basically I have any powers related to fire or heat, any powers related to water, any powers related to air/wind, any powers related to nature, and any powers related to time/speed" She explains. "And my superhero name is Elemental Girl" She adds.

"You turn Brooke," She says to Brooke. "Um Okay. So my name is Brooke, I have water powers, shark powers, and lava/magma powers" Brooke says quickly and quietly. "Did you say shark and lava?" Wheels ask, "Um yes" She replies quickly and quietly. Then I notice that the girls both have what looks like a Heroic's com(communication) bracelet. I noticed because both of their things beeped.

Both girls look at their com bracelet before Brooke says, "I got this one." "You sure?" Kateline asks, "Yeah they only asked for one of us" She replies. Kateline nods her head and then Brooke turns her head to look at Ms. Granada. Ms. Granada nods her head and Brooke quickly runs out the door.

"She never told us her superhero name," Guppy says, "I don't think you would want to know," Kateline says as if she's hiding something. "Why?" Rewind and Fast Forward ask at the same time, "Just trust me" Kateline says. "Well I have some work, so why don't you all chat with Kateline for a bit," She says before leaving.

Kateline's POV

I walk over and sit on a desk then look at my wrist com again to see if I have any new messages. I know the Heroics have it handled, but I don't know why I keep checking. "Sis, you okay?" Slo-Mo asks, "Yeah I'm fine" I quickly reply. "So do you guys have any questions?" I ask changing the topic.

"Which superhero's child was that?" Wheels ask, "You mean Brooke?" I ask, "Yeah her" He confirms. "I don't think I should be telling you that. Plus, hopefully, you'll find out by tomorrow" I say. "So Kateline?" Missy asks me, "Yeah?" I say, "I have a few questions," She says kind of nervously, "Ask away," I say.

"So you said you left two years ago. Why? And also why did you come back?" She asks, "Well actually it wasn't my choice to leave. My parents divorced two years ago so I went with my mom, and Slo-Mo lived stayed with our dad" I explain.

My com bracelet beeps again and I check the message. Elemental Girl, we need you. Another villain showed up we can't defeat them without you. Bring Guppy. "I have to go," I say, "Why?" A Capella asks, "Same reason Brooke left. The Heroics are battling an underwater monster and another villain showed up. I have to go" I say.

"Oh and Guppy. They told me to bring you. You wanna fight some crime?" I ask her, Guppy puts on glasses and then nods her head. "Oh yeah," She says, "Come on. Missy maybe the others can answer some of your questions but I have to go" I say before leaving. Guppy runs behind me as we exit the room.

We Can Be Heroes - Someone New (On Hiatus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें