Chapter 8 - They're Just Normal

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Missy's POV

Kateline and Brooke lead us upstairs where the Heroics are waiting at the entrance with Ms. Granada. All us of run up and give our parents a hug. "Dad, what's going on?" I ask him, "Yeah what happened?" Wheels asks, "Why is everyone acting so weird?" Fast Forward adds, "Yeah is something wrong?" Rewind comments.

"Woah. Everyone calm down. Just follow us" Ms. Granada says silencing everyone. The heroics follow behind her then Kateline and Brooke, and finally all of us. We're lead to an empty grassy field. "Blinding Fast, Invisi Girl, Ms. Vox, and Sharkboy. Step forward" Ms. Granada commands. The four Heroics step forward, 

"What's going on?" Wheels ask, "Just watch," Kateline tells us. "Blinding Fast please run from here to over there" Ms. Granda instructs. "What?" "Wait why isn't he fast?" "Where's his superspeed?" We watch as Blinding Fast runs at a normal speed running back and forth. He's father than us definitely, but ihe's jut running like a normal man. "Ms. Granada-" "Just watch," Ms. Granada says cutting Rewind off. 

"Invisi Girl go ahead" She instructs. Invisi Girl tries going invisible but we can still see her. We all stay silent as Ms. Granada instructs the next heroic. "Ms. Vox try singing"  She states. Ms. Vox opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. "Kateline, Brooke" She cues the two teenage girls. 

Kateline nods her head and creates a pool of water, while Brooke summons sharks in. Sharkboy walks over to it. As he does, I realize his shark features are gone "Sharkboy. Try and make them do a flip" Ms. Granada instructs. Sharkboy does that thing when he's trying to control the sharks but nothing happens. 

The heroics go and stand with the others while Kateline and Brooke make the sharks and water pool disappear. "They lost their powers?" I ask, "Yes. Unfortunately, they have lost their powers" Ms. Granada replies. "How?" Fast Forward asks,  "The monster we were battling took their powers" My dad answers. 

"What? So that's it? They can't be superheroes anymore?" Noodles asks. "Of course not! Just because they don't have powers doesn't mean they can't still fight" Kateline assures them, "Yeah but they're just...normal now" Facemaker says in a quiet tone. 

At that very moment, I just walk away. "They have no powers." "They're just normal." "They can't be superheroes." But they can. Right? I don't have powers. I'm still a superhero. Right? I hear the others call my name as I leave but I just continue forward, I'm not sure where I'm going, but I just need a quiet place to think.

Wild Card's POV

Oh no. Missy just stormed out...kind of. She silently walked away be we could tell we hurt her feelings. "Missy!" Guppy called out. "Missy I didn't mean it like that!" Facemaker screams, the others start calling out to her. 

Fast Forward, Rewind, Slo-Mo, Wheels, Noodles. A Capella just stands still watching her best friend walk away while Ojo looked at her mom for further instructions. Kate and Brooke were just looking at each other as if they had some sort of secret communication. The Heroics just stood there silent, looking between each other just as Kate and Brooke are doing. 

Eventually, as Missy disappeared out of view, the others stopped calling and went silent. "She just needs time" Noodles and Facemaker just looked at each other before walking around in a circle ashamed about what they had said. A Capella walked over to Guppy comforting her. 

No one said anything for a few minutes. Finally, I came to a conclusion. "If no one's going to get her, I will," I say, I start to leave before getting stopped by Brooke. "Don't" Brooke said, Kate just stood beside Brooke nodding. The others started complaining. As if they were the ones who tried to get Missy. "Why not!?" "Why!?" "What!?" 

They kept complaining before they were silenced by Kateline. "Just drop it," She said, "She just needs time" Kate continued, "By herself" she finally added. The others nodded silently as Kate and Brooke made us go back to the classroom, leaving the Heroics to deal with the powerless situation.

Once we reached the classroom everyone was still silent. A Capella and Wheels just went to talk in the back corner where we kept the books and other things like that. Ojo went back to her desk finishing the drawing she drew from this morning. Wheels and Noodles started pacing around near the rock climbing wall still blaming themselves, and meanwhile, Fast Forward and Rewind sat down and their desk and did nothing. 

Guppy was talking to Slo-Mo while letting Brooke braid her hair while Brooke and Kate discussed a few things. Kate and Brooke sat on to desks near the door while Guppy and Slo-Mo sat on chairs in front of their siblings discussing things of their own. I just stood in the corner watching everything.   

I just looked around at what everyone was doing for the next while, specifically, I was trying to figure out what Kate and Brooke were talking about. Kate caught me eyeing them multiple times, we would make eye contact before she gave me the Look and went back to talking to Brooke.

When Brooke was done braiding Guppy's hair, she whispered something into her ear. Guppy got up, motioned for Slo-Mo to follow her, and then they both ran off to sit beside Wheels and A Capella, Guppy giving her a hug. When they were gone, Kate then motioned for me to come over there, I slowly walked over to them as they continued their discussion while waiting for me.

When I walked over Kate and Brooke stopped their discussion and turned to me. "How much of your powers can you use?" Kate asked right as I stood beside them, "Enough" I answered, I don't know where the sass came from, but it felt right for the situation. Brooke looked at Kate and Kate nodded her head.

"Okay, just watch them others until we get back," Kate says and she and Brooke get off the desk and exit the room. They seriously just called me over there for that? Then again, I think sassing them wasn't the best idea.

Though for some reason, Instead of doing what they said and continuing to monitor everyone, I left and started looking for Missy. I don't know why I did it, but I did.

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