Chapter 9 - You Don't Need To Have Powers To Be A Superhero

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Wild Card's POV

I ended up finding Missy in the library, sitting down in a corner with a book reading to herself. I kind of didn't want to both her, but I decided to walk up to her anyways. "Hey," I say quietly sitting down beside her, she lifted her head up and put her book down. "Hey" she replied. We both sat in silence for a few minutes, I just looked around the library, and she did the same. 

We made accidental eye contact a few times while we were looking around. Finally, I spoke up. "You know you don't have to have powers to be a superhero," I say abruptly. Dang it Wild Card. I should have asked her if she was okay or something. 

She snaps out of her thoughts and looks at me, "What?" She asked, "You don't need to have powers to be a superhero" I repeat, "Yeah I know," she says quietly picking up her book again. I silently sigh to myself. 

"They didn't mean it. Noodles and Facemaker. It just accidentally slipped out" I say, "Yeah I know" She replies before going back to reading. We stay quiet just sitting down in complete awkward silence before she asks me something. 

"I'm a good hero right?" She asks, I look at her surprised, "Of course, why would you say that?" I ask, "I don't know, I know I don't need powers to be a superhero but I feel like they would make me better," She says. 

I turn her head to face me. "Listen, without you, we'd have, first of all, failed the test, second of all none of us would have improved, and three, we wouldn't even be a team. Before you came we called ourselves a team, but we didn't really act like one" I told her. We both looked away and continued talking. 

"You changed us all. In a really good way." 

"Thanks" "I have one question to ask though," She says. I turn to look at her, "What is it?" I ask her. "What was the team like before you were the leader?" She asks me. "Like when Kateline was the leader." "Did she do a better job than me?" Missy asked. 

"Is that why you left? You thought Kateline was better than you and is a better superhero than you because she has powers?" I ask, Missy tilts her head back and forth a bit. "Part of it, I guess. I just want to know if she's better of being the leader" Missy explains. 

"Well I mean you can't really compare yourself with Kate. Kate is first of all three years older than you, not just that but Kate's known us for longer, she's close with everyone since she would look after them most of the time when we were younger and she was basically put in charge of us" I explain. 

"And to tell you the truth, she's really not as great as you think"

"You could say that"



The next chapter has 2 options.

Option 1: Missy & Kateline improve their relationship/become better friends

Option 2: Wild Card & Brooke improve their relationship/become better friends

It doesn't matter which one you choose since the other two do become good friends, it just depends on what you want to learn about both. The other two will learn about it through text. It sounds confusing but just read and you'll understand.

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