3 - where can I stay?

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We were walking away to go to the bar, but I was feeling like I was being watched... so I looked around, ready to mentally slap myself for being paranoid, but instead I was met by two red eyes.

The blond guy was watching me intently, but when he noticed that I was watching him back he immediately looked away making a grunt and frowning his eyebrows.

What was that sensation? It was as if being under his gaze gave me butterflies...

"Midoriya, you ok? You're a little red... have you a fever or it's just too hot for you to stay under the sun?" Was I blushing?!

"Wha- oh nonono, it's... the sun, yeah, I'm not used at this weather..." yeah, yeah, it was the temperature to make me blushing.

"Okay, well, don't worry, the bar is that one" I nodded and after a few minutes I was sitting under a big umbrella made of palm leaves with my group of friends.

"So guys, what do you want to order?" A girl with short purple hair and two red triangles tattooed on her cheeks asked us.

"Hi Jiro! I didn't know you were working here!" Uraraka greeted her with a large smile.

"Ochako! It's been a long time! Yeah, this year Denki, Hito and I are working to pay a rented house..." oh, wait, was she a friend of the two receptionists?!

"Wow, I've worked all the year to give a good holiday to my parents ahah!"

"You're kind as always! By the way, what do you want? The speciality of the day is the "All Might" ice cream, the flavours in it are banana, strawberries, blueberries and cream"

"It sounds good, but I think I'll take a simple strawberries milkshake"

"I'll take the daily speciality, but..." it seemed to be a little too big to eat it all alone, so I asked "there's someone who want to share it with me?"

Todoroki was about to take an iced tea, but at my proposal he offered himself. Iida on the other hand took just a bottle of water, and Tsuyu a strange ice cream named "insect combo".

We started to talk about this and that, and then Uraraka asked me and Todoroki how were our hotels.

"Mine is very beautiful, the room is big and there is also a sea view, sure, it is a little expensive even for me, but it's my father who pays, so who cares, how is yours?" Todoroki asked looking at my direction.

"Well... mine is beautiful too, but... there was a plumbing problem, and my original room was flooded, so I was moved in another one, but the one where I stay now is available only for two or three days..."

"Oh... I'm sorry for this... where are you going to stay?" Uraraka asked me with a worried expression.

"Actually I don't have planned anything yet... I was about to ask to you, Iida, if you know any other cheap hotel where I can stay..."

Iida though about it for a few moments, and then shook his head "I'm sorry, but the only other hotel here is the one where Todoroki is staying and as he said it's a bit too expensive..."

"Well I can host you in my room, we should pay an additional rate, but if it's too high, I can provide to that" proposed Todoroki.

"How much is the rate?"

"Mhh something like 30k yen at night"

"WHAT?!" Me and Uraraka shouted together.

"I was paying that price for a whole week in the other hotel... I-i can't afford it"

"I can provide for you"

"Thank you very much, Todoroki, but I can't accept it, I'd feel like I owed you back... Iida... do you know someone who can host me? I could do the housework to repay them..."

"I can ask to my friend Kirishima, you saw him earlier, he was the redhead one"

"Oh yeah! Sure, he looked kind"

Bakugou's pov

What the heck, why that shittyhair should have stopped me and that fuckface of a Dabi?! I was winning!

And that little green haired kid?! He was hanging out with that dude, but then he went away with that other four eyes guy... I didn't understand if he was an ally of the enemy or not...

Ah damn! And why was he blushing when I looked at him?! Pff probably he was mesmerised by my godlike appearance. I smirked, but when I noticed it I put on a frown again.

Wtf, I mean, it was quite normal having people being amazed by me, so it shouldn't have gave me that feeling of joy that I felt...


"Bakubro..." Kirishima approached me with a strange look, like he was going to ask me something without asking me...

"What, shittyhair?"

"You stay home alone, and you have an unused guest room, right?"


"Ehyy, now I'm with Mina! So it doesn't happen anymore! But... you know... I already host Mina and Sero, and I haven't any beds or sofas left, so..." he wasn't getting to the point...

"For the god sake, speak up!"



"A friend of mine asked me if I could host a friend of his, but as I said I can't, so I'm asking you if you could-"




"He offered to do the houseworks and you owe me a lot of favours!! So you'll do that, also because I have already said them that you could do it"


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