5 - my new housemate

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Deku's pov

Kirishima started to chill down everyone, making the blond named Bakugou calm and explaining to Iida that his friend wasn't as rude as he was looking like. I was not so sure about this, but if he'd said so...

"Oh my fucking god, you little green bean, let's go get your stuff" he took my hand and dragged me out of the bar, I hadn't even finished my All Might ice cream...

After pulling me for a while he just left me and told me "You're not a baby, walk on your own" he was in front because he knew the way for the hotel, but he seemed to be a bit red on the face, poor guy got hit by the sun too, such a shame...

When we entered the hotel Denki screamed something like "Bakugouuuu you knew him?!" But he just ignored him and ask me where was my room.

"Pack your things and let's go to my house, in an hour and half I have to be at a surfing competition, so do it quickly"

"O-oh... well, I knew I was going to stay here just for a while, so I didn't unpack my luggage at all..." he raised his eyebrows and said a quick "okay".

And then he took mine with his hand, and my luggage with the other, once again dragging me down the street.

"You wouldn't know where to go, it's easier for me to show you..." He glanced down on my suitcase and read the name on the name tag "Deku"

"A-actually, it's Izuku"

"Well, it can also be read as Deku, so that's what you'll be called as from now on" He said while looking ahead, and then whispered "It sounds cute, so it fits you well"

"I-i h-heard you, you know tha-"


I giggled a bit and thought that  maybe as Kirishima had said to Iida, he was not as mean as he seemed...

Bakugou pov

"So... earlier I saw you with that burnt meat"

"Who?" Oh right, he didn't know all the nicknames I used...

"Dabi, didn't you know that under all the tattoos his skin is burned?"

"Oh... I had no idea..."

"Anyway, careful around that guy" he looked up at me, with a slighted amused face.

"He told me the same about you haha, who should I believe?" He giggled a little, damn he was cute.

"Me, of course, you can't trust the the lov's members, ever"

"But... he was kind..."

"He was trying to trick you"

"I think you're par-" I struck him with a firing gaze, and he stopped talking lowering his eyes "okay... I'll be careful"

"Good boy" he blushed a little, and I couldn't avoid to smirk...

"S-so, nice weather huh?" He said with a trembling voice.

I looked at him a bit confused "Uhm, I guess?" What was he doing? Should I have to go along with it too?

"I s-saw you have a surfboard... and y-you want to surpass All Might, it's really c-cool, you know, surfing and stuff"

"Do you want to try?"

"Oh- I-I don't-"

"I'll take it as a yes" I said while putting an arm around his shoulder and getting him closer to me "I should teach you both how to surf and how to start a conversation without making it weird..."

"B-but!! The weather is... is something normal to start a conversation..."

"Pff anyway, we're here"

Waves - bakudekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن